Groupama // Universal Registration Document 2022


CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra ‑ financial Performance

(f) Within the Group procurement WG, a workshop was set up in 2022, with, in particular, G2S, the regional mutuals, and the French subsidiaries, in order to choose a common solution for the companies. As part of the adaptation of the requirements of the Sapin 2 law relating to the ethical assessment of third parties, a partner assessment portal (PEP’s) has been made available to Group companies in order to assess the integrity of non ‑ customer third parties before entering into a relationship. The issue of the implementation of the Sapin 2 law–the fight against corruption and influence peddling–is addressed in section The risk of not taking into account the social/societal impact of companies in which Groupama invests In addition to respect for human rights, health, and safety, the social factor is increasingly taken into account in our analyses. Groupama has signed the inter ‑ company charter of 2010 (which became the Responsible Supplier Relations Charter ), which particularly favours long ‑ term relationships with SMEs, incorporation of CSR criteria into the selection of suppliers, and consideration of the territorial responsibility of a large group. In addition, in our calls for tenders, we ask our suppliers, in connection with the Supplier CSR charter or specific contractual clauses, to declare whether they respect the principles of the ILO, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the charter of the Global Compact (working conditions, respect for the environment, ethics). A “CSR” clause is inserted into the contracts. Clauses relating to the fight against corruption and influence peddling and the prevention and management of conflicts of interest are provided. Groupama organises GDPR training for buyers and employees (for example, 100% of Group purchasing department’s buyers have been trained). Groupama, for the suppliers it works with, meets the obligation of vigilance by obtaining the documents provided for in the texts. The actions initiated by G2S are structured around three areas: (1) the development of “inclusive purchases”, including purchases from the protected worker sector, particularly with the sourcing of companies to enable the Group’s players to increase their exchanges with “STPA” companies; ❯ the integration of the CSR approach in the choice of new suppliers (adjustment of our procurement line with the CSR approach); for example, 100% of our calls for tenders will include CSR criteria with a weighting ranging from 5% to 30% of the overall rating; ❯ the assessment of our suppliers over time on their CSR commitments. ❯

Risk control levers Groupama takes into account all ESG criteria (environmental, social and governance criteria) in its investment and risk management policy. In analysis of companies and organisations, extra ‑ financial and financial issues are closely linked. The integration of all environmental, societal and governance information allows for greater portfolio resilience, anticipating risks and identifying new opportunities to invest in sectors with the highest expected growth. At the same time, Groupama has put itself in a position to meet European regulatory requirements (including Disclosure and Taxonomy). For more than 20 years, Groupama, a financial player in the economy’s long ‑ term development, has been involved in promoting Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), through its asset management subsidiary, Groupama Asset Management. Its expertise in analysis and research, its management products, and its mobilisation within French and international representative environments make it one of the recognised leaders in this field. To affirm this commitment, in 2018, Groupama Asset Management created an ESG Strategy Department whose mission is to disseminate ESG in all departments through an active training policy. At the same time, it aims to move the offering towards greater ESG integration and to develop a broader range of impact products. It should also be noted that Groupama Asset Management has an active shareholder engagement policy, based on PRI criteria, to which the Company is a signatory, and that it complies with the exclusion policy in accordance with international treaties (Ottawa and Oslo). Focus on 2022 Groupama Asset Management is continuing to expand its range of SRI ‑ certified funds. In line with the previous certifications that marked 2021 (22 funds certified in 2021), the objective is to ensure the most comprehensive SRI coverage possible across all asset classes and management expertise. These funds are available through life insurance, employee savings, and group retirement. Groupama Asset Management thus has a total of 49 SRI ‑ certified funds. Groupama Asset Management was once again rewarded in 2022 at the “Cobeilles Mieux Vivre Votre Argent” for the quality of its collective management, with the “certificate for best management of SRI funds over 5 years”. This award reflects the Groupama group’s and its companies’ commitment to sustainable finance. (2)

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Designed by the Médiation des entreprises and the Conseil National des Achats. PRI: Principles for Responsible Investment.


Universal Registration Document 2022 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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