Groupama // Universal Registration Document 2022


CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra ‑ financial Performance

(d) Performance indicator Rate of people (internal and external) made aware of or trained in prevention actions: awareness actions were carried out with 81,998 people in 2022 (33,774 in 2021), representing a rate of 282.4% relative to the Group workforce (124.8% in 2021). The end of health restrictions in 2022 enabled the Group to return to a standard level of awareness. Additional indicators: Centaure (driving centres dedicated to prevention) ❯ Number of trainees in the Centaure road accident prevention centres in 2022: 39,015 (33,346 in 2021), i.e. , exceptional growth of 17% (+26% on a like ‑ for ‑ like basis ) and exceeding the level of the last normal year, 2019. (2) “Dix de conduite rurale” and “Dix de conduite jeunes”: 13,751 trainees, up sharply (7,501). ❯ The national “Les Gestes Qui Sauvent” campaign: 65,962 people trained in France , 1,995 people trained abroad, i.e. , a total of 67,957. ❯ (3) This is a key element of trust – and therefore potential loss of trust if the risk materialises. The societal context is expanding on this subject, with increasing requests to “exercise personal rights” and the growing litigiousness of relations. Risk control levers The Information Systems Security policy (ISSP) is part of an ethical and professional conduct approach. It meets the legal and regulatory obligations applicable to the insurance sector. It includes a charter for the use of IT and communication resources deployed in the Group’s companies in order to inform employees of the behaviour expected of each user of the Information System and to protect customer and group data. In addition, an e ‑ learning module for cyber risk training is deployed on the Group’s training platform. Cyber risk (attacks on the Group’s information systems), one of the most serious emerging risks in the sector, is addressed as part of the Group’s major risks framework. A cyber incident management system makes it possible to detect and qualify incidents in order to ensure appropriate response and monitoring actions. In 2022, the actions taken enabled the protection system to be adapted to threats. Given that these threats are constantly evolving, the protection protocols are also constantly reviewed. Risks related to policyholder data protection

Our prevention actions group together five major areas: health, road safety, home risks, agricultural prevention, and industrial risks and local authorities. Content on prevention is regularly posted communicated through customer newsletters, brochures, etc. and on the social networks, Twitter accounts, or Facebook pages of the Group’s various entities. Focus on the Centaure centres (12 centres dedicated to road safety, of which Groupama is an equal shareholder with the motorway companies and the Caisse des Dépôts) Centaure with Preventis Card Pro 2 is recognised by the government application dedicated to the CPF . Centaure is the only body holding road safety training eligible for the CPF on the French market. ❯ (1) Trainees’ vehicles undergo a 10 ‑ point safety check with driver involvement as part of instructional efforts. ❯ With the integration into the training modules of new mobility, trainees are made aware of the risks of travel and coexistence on the road with scooters and electrically assisted bicycles. ❯ Continuation of motorbike training and the BMW Motorrad partnership; in companies, trips on motorised 2 ‑ wheel vehicles are developing and diversifying with the arrival of scooters and electric 3 ‑ wheel vehicles. This is a topic for the future and is fully integrated into the CSR systems of companies. ❯ The start of the changeover from Centaure vehicles on platforms to electric vehicles: 50% of our fleets is the target defined with a ramp ‑ up of up to 100%. ❯ In addition, training for agricultural tractor drivers is provided on a larger scale at M C sites. Internationally, it should also be noted that our subsidiary in Greece is continuing its long ‑ term cooperation with the Road Safety Institute, with this year’s Safely Cycling programme. Groupama supported all cyclists throughout France in autumn 2022 by distributing 140,000 fluorescent armbands and more than 10,000 visibility kits. At the end of 2021, Groupama launched “Les Gestes Qui Sauvent”, a major national prevention campaign, which developed throughout 2022 - see section Prevention for employees: these actions take place throughout the year in all of the Group’s companies, particularly during QLW Week. For example, at Groupama Assurances Mutuelles, actions were carried out in spring 2022 on musculoskeletal problems, nutrition, messaging security, and fire prevention, then an interview at the end of the year; at Groupama Gan Vie, a vision safety initiative with “Lunettes pour Tous” in autumn. 2

(1) (2) (3)

Personal Training Account. Source: Company and local authorities insurance - Centaure, GMA. Over the period from 01/11/2021 to 31/10/2022, the campaign had begun in Sept/Oct 2021, see 2021 DEFP.


Universal Registration Document 2022 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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