Groupama // Universal Registration Document 2022


FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Combined financial statements and notes

(d) Financial assets are initially recorded at fair value plus; for assets not valued at fair value through income, the transaction costs directly chargeable to the acquisition. However, when immaterial the transaction costs are not included in the acquisition cost of the financial assets. Repurchase transactions are maintained as assets on the balance sheet. Fair value measurement methods The fair value of financial assets is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between well ‑ informed, consenting parties, acting under normal market conditions. The fair value of a financial instrument equates to its listed stock price on an active market. When the market for this financial instrument is not active, its fair value is measured by valuation techniques using observable market data when available or, when not available, by resorting to assumptions that imply some judgment. Pursuant to the amendment to IFRS 7 issued by the IASB in March 2009 and IFRS 13, financial instruments (assets and liabilities) valued at fair value are classified according to a three ‑ level hierarchy. These levels depend on whether a valuation model is used and the data sources used to populate the valuation models: level 1 corresponds to a price listed in an active market to which the entity may have access on the valuation date; ❯ level 2 corresponds to the fair values determined on the basis of a valuation model using data directly observable on an active market or data that can be determined from prices observed; ❯ level 3 corresponds to the fair value determined on the basis of a valuation model using data not observable on a market. ❯ (e) Valuation techniques include the use of recent transactions under conditions of normal competition between informed and consenting parties, if available, reference to the current fair value of another instrument identical in substance, analysis of discounted cash flows, and option valuation models. Valuation rules The valuation rules and any impairment must be understood as depending on classifying the financial instrument into one of the four categories given above. Assets held for trading and those for which the option to include them in this category has been applied are recorded in the income statement at the closing fair value. Financial assets held to maturity, unlisted equities for which the fair value cannot be valued reliably, and loans and receivables are recorded at amortised cost or historic cost. The amortised cost is the amount at which the asset was valued at the time of initial recognition, minus repayments of principal, plus or minus the cumulative amortisation of the differences between the initial amount and the amount at maturity (based on the effective interest rate) and corrected for any reserves for impairment.

(f) Assets available for sale are valued at their fair value, and unrealised capital gains or losses are recorded in a separate item of Group’s IFRS equity. Investments representing unit ‑ linked policies are valued at fair value through income, as an option. Reserves for impairment At each closing date, the Group looks for the existence of objective presumptions of impairment in its investments. DEBT INSTRUMENTS CLASSIFIED AS AVAILABLE ‑ FOR ‑ SALE ASSETS For debt instruments classified as available ‑ for ‑ sale assets, a loss of value is recognised through income in the event of a proven counterparty risk. Impairments recognised on debt instruments are written back through income in the event of reduction or disappearance of the counterparty risk. For equity instruments classified as available ‑ for ‑ sale assets, the Group has taken into account the clarifications made by the IFRS interpretations committee (IFRIC) in its July 2009 update on the notion of significant or prolonged decrease in paragraph 61 of IAS 39. As at 31 December 2022, there is objective evidence of impairment in the following cases: a financial investment already covered by a reserve at the previous published period end; or ❯ a 50% haircut is observed as of the period end date; or ❯ the financial investment has been in a continuous unrealised loss position with respect to its book value over the last 36 months prior to the balance sheet date. ❯ The differences between the redemption value and the acquisition price are distributed actuarially as expenses (a premium) or as income (a discount) over the residual life of the securities. When several redemption dates are provided, the residual life is determined on the basis of the final redemption date. EQUITY INSTRUMENTS CLASSIFIED AS AVAILABLE ‑ FOR ‑ SALE ASSETS For securities considered strategic securities held by the Group for the long term, as shown by Group representation in their governance bodies or significant, lasting contractual relations or a significant stake in the capital (in absolute or relative value), without significant influence being exercised, this reference period is 48 months.


Universal Registration Document 2022 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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