Groupama // Universal Registration Document 2022


EARNINGS AND FINANCIAL POSITION Management report of the Board of Directors Data for the past 5 fiscal years (in euros)

Fiscal year 2018 Fiscal year 2019 Fiscal year 2020 Fiscal year 2021 Fiscal year 2022

I. Ending financial position a) Share capital or initial capital

3,617,878,996 3,617,878,997 3,617,878,997 3,617,878,997 3,617,878,997

b) Share capital: Number of shares

411,824,587 411,824,587 411,824,587 411,824,587 411,824,587

c) Number of bonds convertible into shares II. Transactions and results for the fiscal year a) Contributions for the fiscal year

2,743,675,632 2,849,716,609 2,767,029,037 2,889,264,352 3,062,712,365

b) Income before tax, amortisation, depreciation, and reserves

8,109,823 472,376,564 149,914,777 20,625,536 (306,302,092)

c) Corporate income tax


7,644,771 (115,383,714)



d) Employee profit ‑ sharing due for the financial period e) Income after tax, profit sharing, amortisation and reserves

165,302,131 325,701,859 144,912,957 89,103,315 109,624,102


Distributed income

III. Personnel a) Number of employees






b) Amount of payroll costs

102,887,430 111,613,842 110,878,542 106,670,357 114,013,103

c) Amount paid for benefits

56,523,105 58,717,870 65,783,131 63,388,241 62,143,457 Details of invoice payment periods In accordance with the provisions of the French Commercial Code, the attached table provides details of the invoice payment periods in relation to their due date. Pursuant to the French insurance federation’s circular of 29 May 2017, the information in the table below does not include transactions related to insurance and reinsurance policies.


Universal Registration Document 2022 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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