Groupama // Universal Registration Document 2022



With respect to the collective wages policy, profit ‑ sharing measures are in place in all Group companies in France. At the combined level, more than €69.1 million (24,264 beneficiaries) and €11 million (9,061 beneficiaries) respectively were paid out for profit ‑ sharing schemes in 2022. A major resurgence of inflation was noticeable from the beginning of 2022, with an annual rate of 5.3% at the end of December. This context largely fuelled industrial dialogue from the beginning of the first half of 2022 through the demand of the trade unions to reopen mandatory annual negotiations. Beyond one ‑ off measures to support purchasing power adopted by certain companies, the Group wanted to respond within the framework of legislative provisions adopted by the new assembly in summer 2022. An exceptional purchasing power premium was thus paid in some of the Group’s companies. This premium was paid in September 2022 within the UDSG scope under a unanimous agreement with the trade unions. This premium, paid to almost all of the UES’s workforce, reinforced the level of the budget allocated to the salary policy for 2022 and helped maintain a good level of competitiveness in terms of compensation given the wage measures already paid in 2022 representing a total of 3.67% of payroll at the end of October, including the payment, for the fourth year in a row, of a “Macron premium” in most of the Group’s entities. It should also be noted that the mandatory annual negotiations, which took place in autumn 2022, ended mainly with agreements unanimously signed by the trade unions. In particular, these agreements provide for an increase in fixed wages for all employees (excluding executives) of around 4%. In savings/pensions, the transformation of the PERCO into PERCOL on 1 January 2020 offered the opportunity for employees to make voluntary deductible deposits from taxable income. In France, the Group’s companies are principally regulated by the Collective Insurance Companies Agreement (covering more than 90% of employees), with the other companies regulated by agreements covering their own business lines (banking, assistance, etc.). Contractual provisions are supplemented by inter ‑ company or company agreements, especially with regard to the organisation and duration of work as well as pension and protection insurance schemes. In terms of group social relations, 2022 brought together the signatories of the GPEC, training, inter ‑ company mobility, and diversity agreements, following the signing of the agreements in 2021, in order to report on the first year of implementation of the measures, which were satisfactory. Negotiations on the

Quality of Life at Work agreement ended in 2022, with the signing on 13 April 2022 of an agreement on the balance between economic performance, innovation capacity, customer satisfaction, and Quality of Life at Work. Other topics were discussed during trade union dialogue committee meetings, such as union communication. In the UES, 2022 saw the continuation of the industrial dialogue, with weekly meetings with the trade unions and the opening of negotiations aimed at encouraging employees to use green modes of transport that are compatible with the environmental challenges and the ambitions of the Group. 2022 was also an opportunity to consolidate the fundamentals of industrial dialogue in the UES, through a new industrial dialogue agreement providing trade union organisations with electronic means of communication in the context of the development of teleworking and in an eco ‑ responsible approach. In addition, numerous exchanges took place within meetings of Group committees and European works councils, which took place in person. With regard to gender equality, the increase in the proportion of women in management and senior management was encouraged in the companies. They accounted for 51.5% of the executive workforce at the end of 2022 and 24.1% of executives (21% in 2020). For GMA, the change is even more significant: at the end of 2022, women accounted for 59.6% of the executive workforce and 29.6% of Executive Managers (25% three years ago). At the same time, for the 4 year in a row, the companies of the Groupama group published gender pay equality indexes for 2022, most of which are between 84/100 and 99/100. The entities of the UES score 86/100, virtually stable with the two previous years, still with a maximum score for 3 of the 5 indicators that make up the index. All these results show that they are continuing to mobilise: they are developing concrete actions to promote women’s career paths. Groupama also continued its commitment within the National Collective for a More Inclusive Economy and its local adaptations, marking its commitments in terms of continued training of employees and inclusion of young people through apprenticeship. With regard to apprenticeship, our actions are strongly consistent with our commitments since the rate of conversion of work/study training contracts in France (213 in 2022) to a fixed ‑ term contract or a permanent contract was 21.7% in 2022, compared with 24.2% in 2021. th


Universal Registration Document 2022 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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