Groupama // Universal Registration Document 2022


CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra ‑ financial Performance

Energy consumption Total energy consumption fell by 4%, with more significant variations in fuel oil (-48.2%) and chilled water (-12%). Electricity had only a very slight increase of 0.4%. The continued reduction in energy consumption is the result of the various actions implemented by the Group’s companies over the long term. The decrease in energy consumption per FTE initiated in 2019 continues with a difference of -26.6% since 2013. Business travel Change in the composition of the car fleet (France): fleet status in 2022, out of 5,388 cars: More than 10% of the vehicles being renewed (115 out of 1,073 on order) are low ‑ emission. The continuation of the more optimised use of fleets and the increased use of remote relations will allow for a controlled development of travel, with a marked increase in the use of trains in view of the resumption of activity and the recommendation over time of using trains relative to air travel. Over the year, the number of km, all transport combined, was up 31.4%, which is explained by the resumption of more normal activity compared with 2021, a year still partially impacted by the health crisis. The share of car mileage in travel fell 6.1 points compared with 2021 to 84.6% (90.7% in 2021). However, this mode of travel remains the largest producer of km because of the Group’s activity and the significant share of salespeople in the workforce. diesel: 4,566; ❯ electric: 29; ❯ petrol: 759; ❯ petrol hybrid: 34. ❯

(b) Fight against food waste The Group’s entities themselves do not handle food services for employees (subcontracted corporate catering or restaurant vouchers). However, companies are putting in place actions to combat food waste, such as poster campaigns and awareness ‑ raising events during the European Sustainable Development Week. Sustainable use of resources The resumption of activity over a full year of presence explains the decrease or increase observed according to the indicators compared with 2021, a year still marked by the health crisis. Paper consumption The continuation of dematerialisation (Zero Paper Programme, etc.) and the deployment of pull printing have resulted in a further reduction in office paper consumption: -10.6% (-18% in 2021). After two exceptionally low years (2020 and 2021), the level of paper consumption rose slightly to 4.8%. For example, 95% of employee savings contracts taken out in the regional banks were digital in 2022, and the campaign to digitise account statements has reduced the proportion of statements sent by post from 67% to 26% at the beginning of 2023/2022. (c) Also note the updating and dissemination in the Group’s companies of ECOPASS or “responsible events”: how to carry out a “responsible” event (local service providers, CSR materials, etc.).


Universal Registration Document 2022 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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