Groupama // 2021 Universal Registration Document

7 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Combined financial statements and notes

All deferred tax liabilities are recognised. Deferred tax assets are recognised when their recovery is considered as “more probable than improbable”, i.e. , if it is likely that sufficient taxable income will be available in the future to offset the deductible timing differences. In general, a 3-year horizon is considered to be a reasonable period to assess whether the entity can recover the capitalised deferred tax. However, an impairment charge is booked against the deferred tax assets if their recoverability appears doubtful. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are computed on the basis of tax rates (and tax regulations) adopted as of the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not discounted to present value. Segment reporting 3.15 A business segment is a component of an entity whose operating profits are regularly examined by the Group’s principal operational decision-makers in order to assess the segment’s performance and decide on the resources to allocate to it. The Group is organised into three operational segments: insurance in France, international insurance, and financial businesses. The financial businesses segment, which is also the subject of specific notes (Notes 9.1, 9.2, and 34.2), has been grouped with the insurance segment in France in order to create an overall operational segment entitled France.

The various businesses of each segment are as follows: life and health insurance: the life and health insurance business ❯ covers the traditional life insurance business as well as personal injury (largely health risks, disability and long-term care); property and casualty insurance: the property and casualty ❯ insurance business covers, by deduction, all the Group’s other insurance businesses; financial businesses: the financial businesses are now mainly ❯ portfolio management of securities or property investments or private equity and employee savings; holding businesses: mainly consisting of income and expenses ❯ arising from managing the Group and holding the shares of the companies included within the Groupama Assurances Mutuelles scope of consolidation. Costs by category 3.16 Management fees and commissions related to insurance business are classified on the basis of their function by applying allocation keys defined as a function of the structure and organisation of each of the insurance entities. Expenses are classified into the following six purposes: acquisition costs; ❯ administrative costs; ❯

claims settlement costs; ❯ investment expenses; ❯ other underwriting expenses; ❯ non-underwriting expenses. ❯


Universal Registration Document 2021 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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