Groupama // 2021 Universal Registration Document


In qualitative terms, regulatory training (GDPR, Anti-Corruption, Cyber-Security) represents a significant share. At the same time, the training programmes included in Pillar 5 of the Vision approach have reached cruising speed: the PEP’S project is devoted to developing the skills needed to lead major cross-functional projects; the Synergies programme, based on the principle of mutualisation of training by and for beneficiary companies, has continued to develop in the Pros, Companies, Local Authorities/Associations, and Agricultural markets. The teams also supported the business units and Group projects in the construction of distance learning courses (ISI, PRC 2025 and Neo, Data Science & Pricing Academy, etc.). To give meaning and to strengthen the ownership of the Group’s strategic guidelines and employee participation in their operational implementation, the Vision programme continued to be deployed in 2021. A Vision Day brought together more than 1,000 senior Managers and executives online in May 2021 to discuss the business dynamics and growth prospects of the Group and its businesses in an uncertain environment. In parallel, 31 senior Managers attended the “Talent and Skills” training modules, and 70 future Group Directors participated in the Directors Leadership Programme, which provides them with training modules or news days to prepare them to hold strategic positions. To allow executives, senior Managers, and local Managers to better integrate the data of our environment, our strategic challenges, and the need to innovate, the Executive Meeting regularly brought together the Top 100 of GMA and its subsidiaries for conferences, discussions, and workshops. Since March 2020, the HR function itself has been transformed to ensure business continuity while preserving the well-being of employees. This renewal is largely due to the strengthening of the cohesion of the HR teams. It was in this spirit that workshops were held for HR Directors of companies to reflect in depth on the major HR issues of the post-crisis period: teleworking, the layout of work spaces, the appropriation by employees of our corporate purpose, and “hybrid management”. Regarding hybrid management, the working group involving several HR departments highlighted and formalised in a kit the seven “managerial levers” for success: developing managerial skills, adopting the right attitudes, using the right tools, leading the team, being vigilant about psychosocial risks, thinking about the employee, and thinking about yourself. With respect to the collective wages policy, profit-sharing measures are in place in all Group companies in France. At the combined level, more than €54.1 million (24,392 beneficiaries) and €5.4 million (1,997 beneficiaries) respectively were paid out for profit-sharing schemes in 2021. As such, in an economic environment that is both constrained and uncertain, the wage policy in 2021 made it possible to maintain a good level of compensation competitiveness relative to the market. For the second consecutive year, most of the Group’s entities granted “Macron bonuses”. This measure covered approximately 80% of UDSG and UES staff. In addition, in keeping with a responsible employer approach and in response to the outlook for pension plans, Groupama once again increased the employer contribution to the “1.24%” supplementary pension plan by 0.10 points, bringing it to 1.54% starting in January 2021, for an increase of 0.3 points in three years. This option was also adopted for the Gan entities, increasing the contribution to the

branch plan from 1% to 1.30%. In savings/pensions, the transformation of the PERCO into PERCOL on 1 st January 2020 offered the opportunity for employees to make voluntary deductible contributions from taxable income. In France, the Group’s companies are principally regulated by the Collective Insurance Companies Agreement (covering more than 90% of employees), with the other companies regulated by agreements covering their own business lines (banking, assistance, etc.). Contractual provisions are supplemented by inter-company or company agreements, especially with regard to the organisation and duration of work as well as pension and protection insurance schemes. At the Group level, industrial dialogue is managed in France within the Group Committee and the Industrial Dialogue Commission (a negotiating body). It was active in 2021, notably in the management of the health crisis. For the UES, teleworking support resulted in the signing of an agreement increasing the teleworking premium until July 2021 and allowing the acquisition of equipment to adapt home workstations for up to €200 per employee. In addition, to support the national effort in favour of young people and their professional inclusion, Groupama set up a “day donation” scheme unanimously agreed by the trade unions: the employees of the 23 participating companies contributed 1,311 days of leave or flexitime days, which were monetised and paid to 18 organisations for a total of €258,000. Beyond the health crisis, the review of the diversity and mobility agreements led to two unanimous signings by the trade unions. The generalisation to all Group companies of an allowance for employees who are parents of children with disabilities is one of the advances made under the diversity agreement. With regard to professional equality, the companies of the Groupama group have published gender pay equality indexes for 2022, most of which are between 84/100 and 97/100. The entities of the UES score 86/100, virtually stable with the two previous years, still with a maximum score for 3 of the 5 indicators that make up the index. These results show that they are continuing to mobilise: convinced that parity is an essential lever for the dynamics of their human resources for the future, the Group’s companies are developing concrete actions aimed at encouraging the professional careers of women. In 2021, the Group achieved its objectives of 50.1% women in managerial positions (compared with 48.9% at the end of 2020) and 26.1% women in executive positions (compared with 25.9% at the end of 2020), since 68.2% of transitions to the executive category involved women. Groupama also continued its commitment within the “Collective of French Companies in favour of a more Inclusive Economy” and its local adaptations, marking its commitments in terms of continued training of employees and inclusion of young people through apprenticeship. With regard to apprenticeship, our actions are strongly consistent with our commitments since the rate of conversion of work/study training contracts in France (229 in 2021) to a fixed-term contract or a permanent contract was 24.2% in 2021 compared with 31.4% in 2020. In terms of diversity, in line with the commitment to the “Manifesto for the inclusion of people with disabilities in economic life”, the Group maintained its recruitment efforts (62 in 2021 compared with 54 in 2020) and its responsible purchasing policy.

13 Universal Registration Document 2021 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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