4 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra-financial Performance

Business travel Even before the Covid-19 crisis emerged, the more optimised use of fleets and the ramp-up of remote relationsth, e recommendation over time of train travel in particular relative to air travel, allow for a controlled evolution of travel. During the fiscal year, the number of kilometres,across all types of transport, decreased by 35.8%, particularly in train travel, which had a decrease of 64.3%, followed by air travel, down 58.9%. Cars remain the largest “producer” of km with 85% of total travel, which is explainedby the very businessof the Group and the large proportion of salespeople in the workforce. It should be noted, however, that this mode of transport also decreased 26.9%. Of course, the level of these decreases is to be comparedwith the current health situation, which led to a two-monthhalt in business and an extremely limited resumption of business travel (excluding salespeople). Climate change and biodiversity protection This is a major CSR topic and not a risk for our organisation. Reducing carbon or greenhouse gas emissions helps combat climate change and preserve the environment. Change in CO 2 emissions A sharp decline was foreseeable given the exceptional circumstances of the crisis. The administrativesites lowered their room temperaturewhile they were empty (March-May).Similarly, the branches were temporarily closed, which had an impact on electricityconsumption.There was also a foreseeable drop in travel due to restrictions on movement and substantial remote exchanges. The Group had an exceptional decrease in its CO 2 emissions in 2020, with 37,245.773 tCO 2 -eq, compared with 44,776.918 tCO 2 -eq in 2019. Scope 3 (non-owned cars, air, train) decreased significantly, at -20.9%. Scope 1 (owned cars, gas, fuel oil) also decreased significantly by 18.3%. Beyond the reasons due to the health crisis, the consumption reduction efforts pursued by the Group (actions involving paper consumption, changes in energy suppliers,actions to control travel) also contributed to the continued decline in emissions started in recent fiscal years. If we restate fiscal year 2020 as a normal year (an annual decrease of around -2% in 2020-2019), the Group’s CO 2 emissions would have been 43,881.380 tCO 2 -eq, or -15.71% compared with 2013.

Fight against digital pollution (b) A major “digital footprint reduction” challenge was launched in June 2020; more than 1,000 employees committed themselves: employees of participating group companies were called upon to reduce the number of emails, in particular the biggest emails (committing to reduce their mail box by 50 MB each month). Fight against food waste (c) The Group’s entities themselves do not handle food services for employees (subcontracted corporate catering or restaurant vouchers). However, companies are putting in place actions to combat food waste, such as poster campaigns and awareness-raising events during the European Sustainable Development Week. Sustainable use of resources (d) With the total and then partial lockdowns, the health crisis explains the decrease observed on all indicators related to the sustainable use of resources. Given that these resources are calculated on a business involving employees on site and inherent travel, work stoppages and measurements necessarily had an impact on the data. Paper consumption Beyond the absence of employeesat the sites, the continuationof digitisation (Zero paper programme, etc.) and the deployment of pull printing reinforced the decreasealready seen in previous years in paper consumption: -22.6% from 2019, with the largest share concentrated on mass publishing, at -27.5%. Energy consumption With an overall decrease in total energy consumptionof 11.6%, the largest differenceswere found in gas and chilled water, at -13.7% and -20.6% respectively. Electricity also saw a significant decrease of 10.7%. The continued relocationof several of the Group’s entities to more energy-friendlyproperties, the sale of certain sites, and changes in energy suppliers are added to the impacts of the health crisis to explain these decreases. Note that the Group has about 2,500 sites in France, or 212 fewer sites over the 2015-2019 period. The decrease in energy consumption per FTE initiated in 2019 continues with a difference of -20% since 2013.

92 Universal Registration Document 2020 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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