4 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra-financial Performance

Groupamainvests in economicplayers having a positive impact on the territories and maintains close ties, often in the form of partnerships or agreements,with professionalbodies (chambersof trades, CAPEBs, chambers of agriculture,CCIs, trade unions, and entrepreneur networks). Each year, Groupama gives out “CSR” Pro awards to VSE-SMEs regionally and nationally. The regional mutuals invested€25 millionin regional funds, and the Group invested €500 million in French SMEs and midcaps (1) . Partnerships with accelerators (such as FrenchAssurTechin Niort) In addition to the impacts of our economic activity – through local employment, payment of benefits, tax contributions, etc. – the Group conductsmultipleactions to support economicinitiative in all its forms, academic partnerships, solidarity actions, and philanthropy.Almost all of the Group’s companies thus engage in local societal actions/partnerships. Companies focus on certain themes, such as entrepreneurship, support for young people (2) , actions to support people with disabilities, solidarity, culture and heritage, the environment, cinema, prevention (3) , and the fight against breast cancer. For two years, a significant philanthropy initiative has been developed on cycling in the territories. The amount of societal philanthropy in 2020 was more than €11 million: including€1.1 millionfor the fight against rare diseases(research, ❯ support for associations, medical information, with the Groupama Foundation and the regional mutuals). Despite the Covid-19crisis, “Baladessolidaires”(SolidarityWalks) and events were held in 2020, raising €332,000; including €560,000 in support for cinema (support for young ❯ creators and distributionas well as the Cinémathèquefrançaise with the Gan Foundation (4) ). The only prize awarded to a feature film duringCritics’Week at the CannesFilmFestivalwas given by the Gan Foundation; including €61,000 for the national association Action Solidarité ❯ Madagascar, which unites and supports the actions of some twenty departmental associations engaged in solidarity projects (in partnershipwith GénérationsMouvement) in the rural regions of the Grande Ile; including €3.2 millionin solidarityaround the health crisis (various ❯ aid, donations of masks and sanitiser, etc.). Multiple actions in connectionwith these philanthropyefforts were maintained throughout the 2020 crisis. The website launched the section as a true external showcase of the actions in the territories concretely promoting mutual insurance. are also led by the Group’s companies. Significant territorial philanthropy… ❯

A partner working in solidarity with communities ❯ and territories: strong mobilisation during the Covid-19 crisis From the beginning of the events, the Group and its companies have mobilised significant resources for global public action and regional partners. Groupama contributed nearly €100 million to the central government’s support schemes (contributions to the investment fund for SMEs and midcaps and to the solidarity fund to help VSE-SMEs). The companiesincreasedtheir solidarityactions, such as donations for research ( e.g. for the Institut Pasteur), societal causes (such as SecoursPopulaireor Restos du Cœur), and associationsthat have needed more support than ever before. “Solidarity challenges” brought elected representatives and employees together. Aid to the medical world was widely deployed: starting from the third week of the first lockdown, more than 200,000 masks and 6,000 coveralls for caregivers and rescue workers and a donation of €1 million for hospitals and caregiver support (meals, protective equipment, etc.). This momentum continued throughout 2020. Protection kits (sanitiser, masks, etc.) were distributed by regional mutuals to nursing homes, rural vocational training centres, schools, etc. Gift vouchers were distributed by the branches of the regional mutuals to revive local commerce.Many initiativeswere undertaken to encourage direct distribution, such as the promotion of local producer platforms (Bienvenue à la ferme, Nos produits locaux BZH, Comptoir de campagne, etc.). Fight against corruption, influence peddling, money laundering, terrorist financing, and tax evasion At the Group level, the implementation of measures to combat corruption and influencepeddlingas well as money launderingand terrorist financing(AML/CFT) is managedby the GroupCompliance Department.The correspondingwork is carried out in consultation with the Group Legal Department and the Group Human Resources Department in particular.

Data at 30.09.2020. (1) See section for support for young people. (2) See section for preventive actions. (3) Learn about the Gan Foundation’s actions at (4)

89 Universal Registration Document 2020 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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