2 THE GROUP’S BUSINESSES Insurance in France

Professional insurance This category includes micro-enterprises, very small businesses, and heads of independent companies (fewer than 20 employees) with very diverse profiles (craftsmen, retailers, self-employed professionals, and service providers). The Group, the number 3 player on this market (source: CSA Research, PEPITES – 2019/2020 (1) ) has updated its comprehensive range of offerings and has diagnostic tools that enable risk analysis and advisory services that meet customers’ needs as closely as possible. The Group can offer all insurance solutions useful for professionals for both their business and their private life. Construction The Group’s activity in the constructionsector is driven primarilyby multi-risk policies (non-life, civil liability, and ten-year civil liability) distributed via employee networks, agents, and brokerage. Insurance for local authorities As the leading insurer of local authorities and organisations, Groupama has a renewed insurance offering for public authorities. This new offering is a response to the new risks that local authorities must face due to territorial reorganisationFinrance. The Group is rounding out its insurance offerings with prevention and advisory services adapted to the risks faced in today’s environment: road accident prevention thanks to the Centaure training centres, crisis management, prevention of climate-related risks, etc. In the area of climate-relatedrisk prevention with local authorities, the rollout of the Groupama–Predictservice continued. This servicesends out highly localisedalerts throughthe app or text messages in the event of a weather event or natural disaster based on customisedinformationprovidedup front. In connectionwith the latest municipal elections, Groupamaand Predict support the new elected representativesby providing the update to Local Response Plans and the DICRIM (Local Major Risk Information Document). Given the interest presented by Groupama-Predict, Groupama continued its steps to deploy this service for its other categoriesof customers as well (farming, individuals, professionals, etc.) across all its regional mutuals. The Group also deployed an app called “Mon Kit Élus”, which provides all elected representativesof local authoritieswith a single space for useful numbers and information needed for the various activities that they carry out on a daily basis. Commercial insurance In an economic environment that continues to be difficult, in a market where price competition remains strong in the SME/SMI segment, unlike the midcaps and large company segment, where the market has entered an uptrend, the Group has maintained its involvement alongside companies.

Beyond the agri-foodsector, where Groupamaremains the leading insurer, Groupama is strengthening its presence alongside SMEs and mid-caps.They have access to a very comprehensiveoffering, including the “base” covers of casualty insurance, credit insurance, group insurance, employee savings, legal protection, as well as pensions and protection in case of unemploymentof the business head. Groupama also intends to support its business customers in the face of the emergenceof new risks to which they are exposed; in this context,Groupamahas developeda cyber risk cover to protect and support companies that are victims of hacker attacks. Groupama is also supplementing its various insurance offerings with a range of services designed to meet all the needs of companies, includingroad safety services, surveillanceof premises, etc.



Groupama Assurances Mutuelles generated premium income of €4.8 billion in life and health insurance (58% of premium income generated in France) as of 31 December 2020.

Individual health Groupama is the leading insurer in France (number 2 player, including mutual benefit companiesknown as “Mutuelles45”) in the individual health market (source: L’Argus de l’Assurance – May 2020). In 2020, against the backdrop of the pandemic, Groupama supported its members through various mechanisms: personalised calls to members to inform them specifically about ❯ the services and covers provided for in their policies and to communicateabout the various ways to keep in touch with their Groupama advisor. In particular, the most vulnerable individuals received communications specially adapted to them; the Group deployed a Covid-19 Kit for its policyholderswith a ❯ reminder of the unlimited access to remote consultation (24/7), useful tips, a psychological support service, and prevention information. Individual savings/pensions As of 31 December 2020, Groupama Assurances Mutuelles generated €2.0 billion in premium income in individual savings/pensions, with a share of individual unit-linked products (UL) of 39.4%, outperforming the market. The strategy of securing the duty to advise in the context of high volatility in the financial markets in 2020 reinforced the positioning of the delegated management offering on life insurance policies with customers. The Group also confirms the success of its positioning and customer support strategy on the theme of pensions with 42,458 new PERIN policies (Groupama/GanNouvelle Vie) taken out over the 2020 fiscal year.

PEPITES 2019/2020 - Overall penetration rate AXA 28% - Crédit Agricole 20% - Groupama/Gan 16%. (1)

24 Universal Registration Document 2020 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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