GROUPAMA / 2019 Universal Registration Document


Report of one of the statutory auditors on the declaration of extra-financial performance


Our work describedbelow was performed in accordancewith the provisionsof Articles A. 225-1 et seq. of the French CommercialCode, the professional guidelines of the French national institute of statutory auditors (Compagnie nationale des commissaires aux comptes) applicable tothis work,as well as ISAE 3000  (1) : we took note of the activity of allthe entitiesin the scope of consolidation and the statement of main risks; ● we assessed the appropriateness of the Reference Source in view of its relevance, completeness, reliability, neutrality, and ● understandability, taking into consideration, where appropriate,the best practices of the sector; we verified that the Declaration covers each category of social and environmental information set out in Article L. 225-102-1 IIIof the ● French Commercial Code as well as information regarding respect for human rights and compliance with laws in the fight against corruption and tax evasion; we verified that the Declarationpresentsthe informationrequiredunder Article R. 225-105 IIwhere relevant in view of the main risks and, ● where appropriate, includesan explanationfor the absence of the information requiredby the 2 nd  paragraph ofArticle L. 225-102-1 III; we verified that the Declarationpresents the businessmodel and a descriptionof the main risks associatedwith the business of all the ● entities in the scope of consolidation,including, where relevant and proportionate,the risks associatedwith their business relationships, their products or services, as well as their policies, actions, and results, including key performanceindicators associatedwith the main risks; we consulted documentary sources and conductedinterviewsto: ● assess the process used to select and validate the main risks and the consistency of the results, including the selected key ● performance indicators, in view of the main risks andpolicies presented, corroboratethe qualitativeinformation(actionsand results)that we consideredthe most importantpresentedin Appendix 1.For certain ● risks (“Workingwell together”topic, “Soundadvice”topic, customersatisfaction,“Protectionneeds”topic –coverageof societal issues, green transition in investments,green transition in offerings, policyholderdata protection),our work was performedat the level of the consolidatingentity and a selection of entities; for other risks, work was performed athe consolidatingentity level; we verified that the Declarationcovers the consolidatedscope, i.e. all the entities included in the scope of consolidationin accordance ● with Article L. 233-16,within thelimits specified in the Declaration; we took note of the internal controland riskmanagement procedures implemented by the entity and assessed the data collectionprocess ● to ensurethe completeness and truthfulnessof the information; for the key performanceindicatorsand other quantitativeresults that we consideredto be the most important presented in Appendix 1, ● we implemented: analytical procedures to verify the properconsolidationof the collecteddata and the consistency oftheir changes, ● substantivetests using sampling techniques to verify the proper applicationof the definitions and proceduresand reconcile the data ● with the supporting documents. This work was performed on a selection of contributing entities detailed in Appendix 1 and covers between23.5%and 100%of theconsolidated dataselected forthese tests; we assessed the overall consistency of the Declaration with our knowledge of allthe entitiesin the scope of consolidation. ● We believe that the work that we completed, based on our professional judgement, is sufficient to provide a basis for a conclusion of moderateassurance.A greater level ofassurance would have required us to perform more extensive work.


Our work mobilised the skills of six people andtook place betweenOctober 2019and March 2020over a working period of 10 weeks. We conducted a dozen interviews with the individuals responsible for preparing the Declaration, representing the CSR, Investments, Individual Savings/Pensions,Logistics Services, Technical Studies, Marketing,and CustomerDistributionDepartmentsat the headquarters and theGeneraland Institutional Secretariat, HR, and GeneralServicesDepartments at the regionalmutuals.

ISAE 3000 – Assurance engagements other than audits or reviews of historical financial information. (1)

95 Universal Registration Document 2019 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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