GROUPAMA / 2019 Universal Registration Document

4 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra-financial Performance

Details on prevention missions Since 2016, the indicator no longer covers a number of mission days but a number of missions, to facilitate the accounting of missions bycompanies.

The emissionfactorswere updatedfor the EDPF 2019 report using the ADEME carbon database. The factors take into account emissions related to simple combustion and not upstream of production. Afew clarificationsfor certain emission factors: for electricity,the emissionfactors used for entitiespresent in the ● overseas departmentsand territories were calculated as follows using the ADEME database: for GOM Antilles, the average between the emission factors of Guadeloupeand Martinique/for GOM Pacifique; for consumption of steam and chilled water, the CSR and ● Internal Communication Department used an average of the various factors provided by ADEME for the cities in which Groupama islocated; for travel by plane, the CSR and Internal Communication ● Department used the emission factor of a trip of average capacity and average distance (100 to 180 seats and 2000 to 3000 km). The ratio used for the conversion of expenditure into euro in kmis 0.23 (ADEME); for travel by train in France, the emissionfactor used by the CSR ● and Internal CommunicationDepartmentwas the average of the large train line in France, which takes upstream emissions into account, given that it was not possible to differentiate for the other countries.The ratio used for the conversionof expenditure into euroin km is 0.16 (ADEME). Details on the calculation of the rates contained in the social data absenteeism rate in France = number of working days of ● absence/[average monthly headcount of permanent contracts and fixed-termcontracts* (numberof workingdays paid under a contract, i.e., 262 working days)]. The formula was updated this year to increase theprecision ofthe indicator; accidentfrequencyrates = numberof workplaceand commuting ● accidents with a work stoppage * 1,000,000/annualtheoretical hours worked; accident severity rates = (working) days lost for workplace and ● commuting accidents with a work stoppage * 1,000/annual theoretical hours worked. the number of sick daysdoes notinclude long illnesses; ● training rate: for this calculation,the staff of companiesthat have ● not reported information (GOM, Groupama Life, SPSE) have been removed.

Data on SRI assets Criteria for definitionof funds:

assets under managementof funds and mandates classified as ● SRI: They are consistent with the specific SRI management process, which is based on the application of an extra-financial analysis methodologycommon to equities and credit according to a best-in-class approach; the securities of the available universe are analysed by our teams and classified into five quintiles (the holding of securities belonging to the bottom quintile is prohibited). The funds concerned are particularly specialised funds and collective employee shareholding plans (FCPE) certified by the CIES (French inter-union employee savings committee); outstanding funds and mandates classified in ESG integration: ● we classify in this category funds or mandates which, without beingmanagedaccordingto a best in class approach,include in particular two types of ESG criteria: the list of major ESG risks (controversies,etc.) as well as aspects related to the quality of governance (pillar G) of issuers in the “investment” universe. In addition, in the case of Pillar E (environmental)if the fund or the managedmandatedoes not set a specifictarget for reducingthe carbon footprint, data managementtools and the monitoring of its ex post exposureare available to themanagers; the outstandingamounts of the entire monetary range classified ● as ESG monetary integrationwhich systematicallyexcludes any complex securitisationoperation and any structure registered in tax havens. The ’investable’universe is determinedby a specific committee, the Monetary Committee, after taking into account the list of major ESG risks (controversiesetc.) and ESG elements impacting theissuer’s global recommendation.

93 Universal Registration Document 2019 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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