GROUPAMA / 2019 Universal Registration Document

4 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Declaration of Extra-financial Performance

The coverage of the collection scope The coverage of the collection scope of each environmental and societal indicator is the ratio of the number of FTEs of entities having provided information validated by the CSR and Internal CommunicationDepartmentfor this indicatorto the total number of FTEs of the consolidated scope. The FTEs are provided by the Group HR departmentas of 30 November 2019.

Reporting Period (c) The reporting period was determined in order to be able to meet the deadlines for verification and publication of the disclosures required byArticle R. 225-105-1of the Commercial Code. As such, since 2012, the societal and environmental indicators have been collected by rolling year, from 1 November N-1 to 31 October N, i.e. from 1 November 2017to 31 October 2018in the present case. When it is impossibleto obtain a data in advance for this period, an extrapolation by proportion or an estimate (according to the methods defined by the Reporting Reference Source or consistent with the values of previous years) may be performed, and themethodused is specifiedby the employees. It should be noted that two of the societal and environmental indicators are collected by calendar year: the Centaure Centre indicatorand the responsible investmentdata. As regards social information, it is collected over a calendar year. Information related to absenteeism is reported on a rolling-year basis fromDecember 2018 toNovember 2019. The information published in the management report of the Universal Registration Document of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles is collected thanks to the contributions of the group’s network of reporting correspondents. The list of contributorsto the EFPD is updatedeach year before the start of the campaign and training on the use of the SCOOP tool (Enablon’scollectionsoftware)and the EFPDprocess in generalare proposed by the Internal Communicationand CSR Departmentto the contributors. Most of the environmental and societal data is reported by the entities concerned via SCOOP, which is entirely dedicated to the CSR EFPD within the group. Social data is collected from multiple data sourcesdepending on whether they involve: a French or internationalcompany; ● consolidated or non-consolidated indicators; ● indicatorsconcerningdata or populationsmanagedor not in the ● corporate informationsystems; indicators that can be produced from data reported each ● monthly in a group infocentre called SIPGRH, only for certain French companies. Data collection, consolidation (d) and control procedures Data collection process

Indicators (b) Choice of indicators

Starting this year, the Group has chosen to select 13 key performance indicators related to the main risks related to social, societal, environment and climate change, the fight against corruption and tax evasion. The objective of these indicators is on the one hand to monitor the commitmentsmade by the group and on the other hand tomeet regulatory requirements. On the risk analysis aspects, only companies operating in France were taken into account in this first financial year in the "DPEF" format. Reference source and definitions of indicators The indicators collected and published in the CSR section of the management report were developed in accordance with Article R. 225-105-1of the Commercial Code and consistent with the guidelinesof Groupama’sCSR strategy. A Group Reporting Reference Standard in effect since fiscal year 2010 is updated each year. It clarifies the rules for collection, explains the operation of the software, and specifies in particular the scopetaken into account. The list of collected environmental indicators as well as the methods for calculatingthese indicatorsare defined in a glossaryof definitions updated each year. The methods for calculating CO 2 emissions are also defined in this Reference Sources and carried out subsequently by the CSR and Internal Communication Department. The emission factors used come from the ADEME carbon databaseand are updated eachyear. The collection of societal indicators is also based on a glossary of definitionsupdatedfor each reportingperiod and made availableto employees before each new reporting campaign. Information related to respect for animal welfare and responsible, fair and sustainable food is excluded from the DPEF as it is not relevant toGroupama’s activities.

91 Universal Registration Document 2019 - GROUPAMA ASSURANCES MUTUELLES

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