GROUPAMA / 2018 Registration document

4 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) GROUPAMA’S 2018 EXTRA-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW Properties managed by the EIG G2S The following rule was applied for consideration of the consumption of buildings formerly managed by the EIG G2S and recently released: buildings vacated before the start of the reporting period ❯ (1 November 2017-31 October 2018) or occupied for 0 to 6 months during the 2018 reporting period have been removed from theconsolidation tables; buildings that were occupied for 6 or more months during the ❯ 2018 reporting period appear in the consolidation tables; the date on which they were released is mentioned, and their consumption levels are taken into account in the consolidation of the indicators. Change of indicator for prevention missions Since 2016, the indicator no longer covers a number of mission days but a number of missions, to facilitate the accounting of missions bythe companies. Details about Grenelle 2 information Because of its service businesses, with environmental impacts limited and reduced to low-pollution consumption (paper, electricity, etc.), the Groupamagroup has no financial provision for environmental risk. In addition, the activity does not generate noise, andwater isnot consumed in waterstress areas. In addition, certain Grenelle 2 information is excluded from the reporting because it isdeemed immaterial forthe entity: concerning“Measuresto prevent, reduce, or repair releases into ❯ the air, water, and soil seriously affecting the environment”:this information is not a key point in our CSR strategy because of our service business; concerning“water supply based on local constraints”:the Group ❯ entities are connected to the public network; concerning “measures taken to improve energy efficiency and ❯ use of renewableenergies”: the Group entities are connectedto the national electricity grid and thus benefit from the network’s renewable share. Details on the calculation of CO 2 emissions CO 2 emissions are published according to the three scopes defined by the GHG Protocol and according to the operational control consolidationmethod, asdetailed below: scope 1, direct emissions related to consumption of gas and ❯ fuel oil and business travel in land vehicles owned by the Group’s entities; scope 2, indirect emissionsrelated to consumptionof electricity, ❯ heat andchilled water; scope 3, other indirect emissions related to business travel by ❯ air, train and land vehicles not owned by the entities (leased vehicles,reimbursementof mileage costs). The emission factors were updated for the 2018 report using the ADEME carbon database. The factors take into account emissions related to simple combustion and not upstream of production. A few clarifications for certainemission factors:

for electricity, the emission factors used for entities present in ❯ the overseas departments and territories were calculated as follows using the ADEME database: for GOM Antilles, the average between the emission factors of Guadeloupe and Martinique/for GOM Pacifique, the average between the emission factors of New Caledonia,Tahiti, and French Polynesia excludingTahiti; for consumption of steam and chilled water, the CSR and ❯ Internal Communication Department used an average of the various factors provided by ADEME for the cities in which Groupama is located; for travel by plane, the CSR and Internal Communication ❯ Department used the emission factor of a trip of average capacity and average distance (100 to 180 seats and 2000 to 3000 km); for travel by train in France, the emissionfactor used by the CSR ❯ and Internal CommunicationDepartmentwas the average of the large train line in France, which takes upstream emissions into account, given that it was not possible to differentiate for the other countries. Details on the calculation of the rates contained in the social data absenteeism rate in France = Number of working days of ❯ absence/[average monthly headcount of permanent contracts and fixed-term contracts * (number of working days paid under a contract, i.e. , 262 working days)]. The formula was updated this yearto increase theprecisionof the indicator; accident frequency rates = number of workplace and ❯ commutingaccidentswith a work stoppage * 1,000,000/annual theoretical hoursworked; accident severity rates = (working) days lost for workplace and ❯ commuting accidents with a work stoppage * 1,000/annual theoretical hoursworked. For these last two indicators,the annualtheoreticalhoursworkedby business = theoreticalweekly duration * 47 weeks * workforceon permanentcontracts& fixed-termcontractsas of 31 December2018. The number ofsick leave days does not include long-term illnesses assets under management of funds and mandates classified ■ as SRI: They are consistentwith the specificSRI management process, which is based on the application of an extra-financialanalysis methodologycommon to equities and credit according to a best-in-classapproach; the securities of the available universe are analysed by our teams and classified into five quintiles (the holding of securities belonging to the bottom quintile is prohibited).The funds concernedare particularly specialised funds and collective employee shareholding plans (FCPE) certified by the CIES (French inter-unionemployee savings committee), assets under management of funds and mandates classified ■ as RI: in this category, we classify funds or mandates that, without be managed according to a best-in-class approach, are subject to ESG/RIcharters, the outstanding amount of the whole of the monetary range ■ that practices the a priori exclusion of certain financial transmitters(related to tax havens) and promotes at the same time certain types of establishments based on a mutual operationor co-operative(Co-operative Banks). Data on RI/SRI assets Criteria for definitionof funds: ❯



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