GROUPAMA / 2018 Registration document


Study data for2018: (source: EcoAct andIf Consultantsfor SFG) SFG forest carbonstock: 10 million t of CO 2

on 20.933 ha

Annual increase inCO 2

stored (balance between planting and cutting + storageof biomass):+352.337 t

CO 2 emissions avoided: 39,658 t by the use of soldwood To be compared with: 47 KT CO 2

-eq. emittedby theGroup’s operationin 2018 (combinedscope)

Group ethics charter, code of conduct, and ethics alert system The Groupama group’s ethics charter was drafted in 2008. It was appended to the Internal Regulationsof the Group’s companies in accordance with the procedures for informing and consulting the employee representativebodies (Group Committee and European Works Council, WHSC, Works Council, labour inspectors, registries of labour tribunals, and posting). Lastly, it was distributed in 2009-2010 to all employees (electronically and posted on the Group’s intranet) as well as to the multi-line agents of Gan Assurances, the representatives of Gan Patrimoine, and the secretaries/representatives of the regional mutuals. It was amended forthe first time in2014-2015. The main objective of the ethics charter is to unite and mobilise employees around its values of proximity, commitment, performance,and solidarity. It defines the Group’s commitmentsin terms of ethics,such as: acting in respect of the confidencegiven to us by our members ❯ and customers; promotingthe developmentof the individualand group talents of ❯ employees; demonstrating our vocation as a socially responsible player, ❯ showingsolidarity. These commitments are set forth in rules of conduct to be adopted by employees. In particular, they are required to show proof of integrity and loyalty in carrying out their duties, both inside and outside their company when they represent it, and are prohibited from any act of active or passive corruption. The ethics charter also defines the responsibilities of the ethics committee, made up of the Group’s senior Directors, which meets twice per year (see point The measuresrequiredby the laws promulgatedin late 2016 and in 2017, respectivelySapin 2 (prevention/detectionof corruption and influence peddling) and Duty of Care (prevention of violations of human rights, fundamentalfreedoms,health and safety of persons, and the environment),led the Group to continue its work in 2017 to modify its ethics charter, create a separate code of conduct, and provide for an ethics alert system. The finalised elements were communicatedto employeesat the Group level in December 2018 following the information/consultationprocess with the employee relations bodiesof the companies during theyear.

More broadly, our policies contribute directly to the protection of biodiversity with the reduction of paper consumption and CO 2 emissions. Reduction ofcarbonemissions [indicator] (e) The Group set a goal of reducing its emissionsby 18% per FTE by 2018, compared with 2013 (excluding carbon emissions indirectly linked to offerings and investments); this target was calculated particularlyaccordingto assumptionsof renewalof the auto fleets (1) with the same configuration, which allows the emissions of the models to bemeasured. This figure increased by 4.5 % compared with the previous fiscal year. However, since 2013, thechange in emissions is -7.1%. Business travel, especially the use of cars, represents the largest area of CO 2 emissions (cars accounted for 53% of the Group’s total emissions per FTE in 2018) and is now the main factor of reduction. The deployment of Corporate Travel Plans, pursuant to the French energy transition law and the future Frenchmobility law, will be able to beone of the levers. The Group’s professional ethics are based on values drawn from mutualismand are reflected inhow it carries outits businessesand its responsibilities towards employees, members, and customers and, more generally, with all stakeholders (third parties, communities, etc.). Strict adherence to these ethics and the laws and regulations is part of the goal of best serving our members and customers, reducing our risks, and contributing to the long-term development ofour company. Promotion of and compliance with the stipulations of the ILO fundamental conventions The Group reiterates its commitmentto respect the stipulations of the International Labour Organization (ILO) fundamental conventions in its ethics charter, deployed in all of its companies and brought to the knowledge of all of its employees. The ethics charter also recalls that the Group fully adheres to the recommendations or commitments made by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention of Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ten principlesof the UN Global Compact,and the EU charter of Fundamental Rights. OUR ETHICS 4.2.3

Group ExecutiveCommittee memo of April 2014. (1)



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