GEODIS // 2022 Activity and Sustainability Report




Alongside these actions, the Company has also decided to support the French Red Cross through a fundraising program to which all Group employees were invited to contribute. €300,000 in donations from employees plus a matching contribution from GEODIS were donated to the French Red Cross in May 2022. GEODIS teams in several European countries including Finland, Latvia, Czechia, Spain, Poland and Romania also took part in operations to collect basic necessities. GEODIS mutual aid funds GEODIS has created two funds specifically to provide aid to employees who are experiencing difficult times. In the United States, the GEODIS Compassion Fund was created in 2018 to provide financial support to full-time employees in difficulty. In 2022, a total of $116,775 was granted to 82 GEODIS employees. The European Solidarity Fund, created in 2020, is a joint initiative of the European Consultation Committee (ECC), the European employee representative body, and GEODIS. The purpose of this fund is to help improve the general health and well-being of employees and, more specifically, to provide assistance to European employees who are confronting difficult financial circumstances. In 2022, three GEODIS employees benefited from this assistance. > Other charitable actions around the world Many GEODIS employees took part in local community projects in 2022. These included: • India: the Group’s teams held a clean-up operation on a beach in Chennai, with the help of Bhumi, a local NGO. After an awareness-raising session on marine ecosystem pollution, 48 employees collected more than 130 kg of trash; • France: employees from the head office took part in a volunteer activity in the Paris region on November 25 and 26, 2022, contributing to a food collection in supermarkets organized by the French Federation of Food Banks (FFBA); • Hungary: GEODIS teams took action to support the solidarity actions of the Order of Malta charity organization. Employees prepared more than one hundred Christmas packages for underprivileged families living in rural areas; • United States: the GEODIS Women’s Network sponsored 14 GEODIS Campus Leaders who combined their skills and talents to help build a home in a local disadvantaged community. The project was undertaken in partnership with Habitat for Humanity (H4H) in Lawrence, Indiana.

The Group’s action priorities focus on solidarity, a value jointly upheld by GEODIS and the organization or event being sponsored. Each year, GEODIS makes a commitment to provide logistical, financial or human support to underprivileged populations or individuals in difficulty. Support for the people of Ukraine Just a few weeks after the start of the conflict in Ukraine, GEODIS began to take action to help the Ukrainian population. The Group decided to provide operational, technical and logistical support to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and associations working to provide aid to Ukrainian refugees. Logistics platforms in Poland, Romania and Hungary, logistics sites were brought into use to store goods prior to their distribution by local humanitarian aid organizations. The French Federation of Food Banks (FFBA) was the first organization to benefit from GEODIS’s support, which took the form of a partnership to transport food donations. As a result of these efforts, the FFBA awarded GEODIS the Food Bank Support Partner label. GEODIS provided free collection, transport and storage of essential goods from France and other European Union countries to the countries in the region that were hosting Ukrainian refugees. The Group drew on its network and expertise in distribution and express transport to deliver the goods to the Polish-Ukrainian border and hand them over to the network of volunteers of Doc4Ukraine, an NGO that supports hospitals, nursing homes and orphanages.

GEODIS also gave logistical support to several associations: the Franco-Ukrainian association Tryzub, which collected food, medical supplies and camping materials, and the NGO Aide Médicale et Caritative (AMC) France-Ukraine.



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