the achievement of the efficiency objectives on the ■ mapping mechanism in relation to Gecina’s commitments for 2017: indicator evaluation rate of 99% for all risk areas at ■ December 31, 2017, overall efficiency level weighted at 99% across all indicators at December 31, 2017, attainment of gold and silver trophies by 80% of the ■ weighted property portfolio; the verification of the appropriateness of the changes to ■ the mapping mechanism in relation to Gecina policy; the evaluation of the practices and procedures of the ■ provider in charge of providing and hosting the risk mapping tool. 2017 results of the property risk mapping, all areas combined The level of reasonable assurance was confirmed in 2017 with the following conclusions: “At the end of our audit, we observed that the risk assessment and management system in place in response to Gecina’s needs is efficient and allows permanent management of Gecina’s property portfolio. The roll-out of smartphone applications is in keeping with the digitization and simplification efforts, which are set to continue. All actions performed are traceable and logged in the web platform. The audit carried out on the premises of Provexi made it possible to verify the quality of the mechanism, the procedures for exchanging information, the data for the mapping and the cross-checks application. This procedure is rigorous as regards the quality of the information provided and the business and regulatory consistency. It also made it possible to evaluate the legal monitoring actions carried out by Provexi and check the processes and controls implemented by Provexi in connection with this monitoring. The portion of the audit dedicated to Meetings with operating staff confirmed that kits are conscientiously filled out on the basis of the elements in their possession, their understanding of the indicators in the kits and the response methods. Lastly, the audit confirmed that Gecina is committed to the continuous improvement of its risk management system and that this concerns both regulations and its development, the business, the optimization of processes, and the ergonomics of the system. This commitment is reflected in general improvement in the performance indicators and the achievement of all the objectives set for 2017.” The certification provided by the outside auditor is presented at the end of this section.

The weighted efficiency rate of an area is calculated by combining the satisfied standard, efficient and very efficient indicators weighted by the financial values of the assets. An area will be rated: standard: if all “standard” indicators are assessed and ■ met; efficient: standard level reached and all “efficient” ■ indicators are assessed and met; very efficient: efficiency level reached and at least one ■ “very efficient” indicator is met. The efficiency of an asset is obtained by calculating the sum of its various efficiency levels by weighted risk according to the risk level of the areas (scale of 1 to 9). Obtaining an award (bronze, silver or gold) depends on the result obtained. Note: at the very least, all 18 areas of an asset must be assessed under the standard criteria before it can qualify for a trophy. The weighted distribution of awards on the entire property portfolio is calculated by weighting each asset by its financial value and by applying the inter-area weightings. Risk mapping accessible to tenants and external contractors The specific web platform also ensures transparency for clients with regard to risk. Customers can access technical files on asbestos, paint lead, ICPEs (regulated facilities for environmental protection), TARs (cooling towers), and the Statement of Natural, Mining and Technological Risks (SNTR) of their building. The general and specific instructions in case of a major risk (natural and/or technological) are also provided on the platform. Transparency also for companies referenced with Gecina which, for the buildings on which they work, are issued a login/password to access information on asbestos, lead, and since 2014 extended to files on ICPEs (regulated facilities for environmental protection), TARs (cooling towers) and cell towers. The generalized display of the QR code on each site also allows them to consult the platform, directly on site via an Android or iPhone smartphone or tablet. A risk management system audited every year by an outside independent auditor An external audit was performed in late 2017-early 2018 to verify the mapping in the following four areas: the appraisal of the quality of the self-assessments and ■ the quality of the data transmission and consolidation process (of the seven self-assessed areas, six were audited in 2017 (lead paint, ICPEs, TARs, elevators, water and antennas)) from a sample of the assets in question randomly selected by the auditor;


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