Financial Statements 2021

4. Notes to the IFRS Company Financial Statements /

4.4 Employees Costs and Benefits

12. Number of Employees

The average number of the persons employed by the Company in 2021 was 1 (2020: 1). The employee is situated in the Netherlands.

4.5 Capital Structure and Financial Instruments

13. Total Equity

Airbus SE’s shares are exclusively ordinary shares with a par value of €1.00. The following table shows the development of the number of shares issued and fully paid:



(In number of shares)

Issued as at 1 January





Issued for ESOP



Issued as at 31 December

Treasury shares



Outstanding at 31 December



Authorised shares



Holders of ordinary shares are entitled to dividends and are entitled to one vote per share at general meetings of the Company.

Capital stock comprises the nominal amount of shares outstanding. The addition to capital stock represents the contribution for exercised options by employees of €1,934,420 (in 2020: €976,155) in compliance with the implemented Stock Option Plans and the Employee Stock Ownership Plans (“ESOP”). Share premium mainly results from contributions in kind in the course of the creation of the Company, cash contributions from the Initial Public Offering, capital increases and reductions due to the issuance and cancellation of shares. Retained earnings include mainly the profit of the period and cash dividend payments to Airbus SE shareholders. On 23 March 2020, the Company has decided the withdrawal of 2019 dividend proposal with cash value of € 1.4 billion in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (see “– Note 2: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic”). For the fiscal year 2021, the Company’s Board of Directors proposes a cash distribution payment of €1.50 per share.

Legal reserves include: – change from financial assets at fair value (see “– Note 15.2: Carrying Amounts and Fair Values of Financial Instruments”); – change in fair value of derivatives designated as cash flow hedges (see “– Note 15.2: Carrying Amounts and Fair Values of Financial Instruments”). According to Dutch law, the OCI is considered to be a Legal Reserve and therefore distribution is restricted. Treasury shares represent the amount paid or payable for own shares held in treasury. During 2021, the number of treasury stock held by the Company increased to 454,735 compared to 432,875 as of 31 December 2020, mainly due to the share buybacks partly offset by vested shares in 2021 under LTIP 2017 (see “– Note 33: Share-based Payment” of the Consolidated Financial Statements). No shares were sold back to the market nor cancelled in 2021 (2020: 0 shares).


Airbus / Financial Statements 2021

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