FFP and its shareholders
Excerpts from the Articles of Association concerning the share capital and ownership structure
provided for in law and the regulations. The Company is entitled to request the identity of the holders of securities granting immediate or future voting rights at its general meetings, as well as the quantities held, as provided for in the legislation in force. Rights attached to each share (Article 8 of the Articles of Association) Aside from the voting right granted to it by law, each share entitles its holder to a share of profits and any liquidation surplus in proportion to the percentage of share capital that it represents. All shares rank pari passu from a tax perspective. Accordingly, they entitle their holders to the same net amount, based on their par value and the date from which they rank for dividend, for any appropriation or return of capital during the Company’s life or upon its liquidation. General Meetings of shareholders (Article 13 of the Articles of Association) 1. Fully-paid up shares registered in the name of the same holder for at least four years carry double voting rights at general meetings. In the event of a capital increase through the capitalisation of reserves, earnings or share premiums, double voting rights will also attach from the issuance of the registered bonus shares to be allotted to a shareholder in respect of existing shares already carrying this right or, if said existing shares do not carry double voting rights upon issue, from the date on which they will acquire this right. 2. Meetings are held at either the registered office or at any other venue specified in the notice of meeting. Shareholders may, as provided for in law, send their proxy and postal voting forms to the Company for any general meeting, either in paper form or, if the Board of Directors so decides and states in the notice of meeting, electronically. Legal entities may be represented at general meetings by their legal representatives or any other specially designated person. 3. General meetings are chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or, in his absence, by the Vice-Chairman of the Board, where designated, or by a director specially designated by the Board for such purpose. Failing this, the General Meeting elects its own Chairman.
INFORMATION ABOUT OWNERSHIP OF THE SHARE CAPITAL (ARTICLE 7 OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION) Aside from the statutory requirement to disclose holdings in the Company’s shares, any individual or legal entity that, acting alone or in concert, with other individuals or legal entities, comes into possession or ceases to hold directly or indirectly a number of shares representing at least 2% of the Company’s share capital or voting rights, must notify the Company of the change in ownership within 15 days by registered letter with return receipt requested. Thresholds are deemed to be crossed when transactions are entered into on- or off-market, irrespective of how the securities are delivered. This notification must state: O the total number of shares and voting rights held, directly or indirectly, by the declaring shareholder, acting alone or in concert; O where appropriate, securities conferring rights to the Company’s share capital, directly or indirectly, by the declaring shareholder, acting alone or in concert; O the date on which the threshold was crossed; and O where appropriate, persons with whom the declaring shareholder acts in concert. This declaration must be made every time that a 1% ownership threshold or any multiple of this percentage is crossed upwards or downwards. At the request of one or more shareholders together holding at least 1% of the Company’s share capital or voting rights, any shares in excess of the portion that should have been declared by the Company under the aforementioned statutory notification threshold requirements, may be stripped of their voting rights at any general meetings to be held for a period of two years from the date on which the omitted notification is rectified.
Form of the shares (Article 7 of the Articles of Association)
Fully-paid up shares may be held in registered or bearer form, at the shareholder’s discretion. Shares are recorded in an account as
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