Composition of the Board of Directors at 31 December 2017

Bertrand Finet

Born 6 September 1965 – French national

Chief Operating Officer since 2 January 2017

Number of FFP shares held for his personal account at 31 December 2017: 0 shares Business address: 66 avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine


Management expertise: Bertrand Finet graduated from Essec business school in 1988 and started his career in 1991 at 3i Group where he was Head of Shareholdings. He held this position for two years in London, before moving to the group’s French subsidiary. H e was appointed Managing Director at CVC Capital Partners France in 1996, before moving to Candover France to head up its Paris office in 2006. Bertrand Finet was appointed to the Executive Committee of Fonds Stratégique d’Investissement (FSI) in 2009. He became executive director of Bpifrance, where he oversaw equity investments in SMEs, in 2013, and then executive director of Bpifrance’s Mid & Large Cap division in April 2015. He was appointed as FFP’s Chief Operating Officer in January 2017. CURRENT APPOINTMENTS FFP INVEST G Chief Executive Officer SEB SA E Permanent representative of FFP INVEST on the Board of Directors SPIE SA E Permanent representative of FFP INVEST , Non-voting board advisor FFP Investment UK Ltd G Director LDAP Permanent representative of FFP INVEST on the Executive Committee APPOINTMENTS HELD IN THE PAST FIVE FINANCIAL YEARS BUT NOW ENDED: Farinia, Assystem, Bpifrance Participations SA, Mersen, Sequana, Constellium, Vallourec, Technicolor, Consolidation et Développement Gestion, CDC Entreprises Capital Investissement, Bpifrance Investissement.

E Listed company. G Company belonging to the same group as FFP.




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