Exclusive Networks // Sustainability Report 2022

Methodology note Extra-financial performance statement/GRI/SDG cross-reference table

Indicator baseline

Information theme

Information description




Categories of emissions taken into account (Scope 1/2/3)

GRI 305-4-c

GRI 305-4-d Description of gases taken into account GRI 305-3-f Source of emission factors

Greenhouse gas emissions


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SDG 7.3 12.4 & 12.5

Standards, methodologies, assumptions and calculation tools used

GRI 305-3-g

GRI 303-5-a Quantity of water consumed

Information on data collection and consolidation, methodologies and assumptions

Water consumption


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GRI 303-5-d

Waste management

Description of waste generated by the company’s activity and/or in its value chain

GRI 306-1



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GRI 306-3-a Tonnage and breakdown by waste category GRI 306-3-b Information on data collection

SDG 12.4 & 12.5

Environmental data

Other information

Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of 18 June 2020 Article R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code

Revenue, CapEx and OpEX indicators

Green Taxonomy


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Amount of provisions and guarantees for environmental risks

Anti-corruption Anti-corruption policy

Anti-corruption policy, organisation and risk management Total number and percentage of transactions assessed for corruption-related risks Proportion of due diligences performed on third parties Significant corruption-related risks identified in risk assessment Number and percentage of business partners to whom the anti-bribery policy has been communicated by type of business partner and by region

GRI 3-3


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GRI 205-1-a

Corruption risk assessment

GRI 205-1-b

GRI 205-2-c

Corruption risk prevention: communication, training, audits


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SDG 16.5

Societal data

GRI 205-2-e Number and percentage of employees trained to anti-corruption Company Number of internal anti-corruption audits

Number of proven cases of corruption Number of employees dismissed or sanctioned for corruption Number of corruption-related convictions against the Group or one of its subsidiaries

Proven incidents of bribery and actions taken

GRI 205-3


Exclusive Networks

Sustainability Report 2022

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