Exclusive Networks // Sustainability Report 2022

Other regulatory issues Respect for human rights


Other regulatory issues


Respect for human rights

The Exclusive Networks Group fosters a culture of respect for people, both for its employees and in its business relationships, and is committed to respecting human rights in all countries in which it operates. This commitment includes:  respect for fundamental human rights, as described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948, and in the International Labour Organisation Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work adopted in 1998 and amended in 2022;  decent working conditions: the Group puts in place an organisation and the necessary means to:  preserve the health and safety of its employees,  comply with the social legislation and regulations applicable in all countries where its employees are located, particularly with regard to working hours, rest and holidays,  ensure that its employees are fairly compensated in accordance with their qualifications and skills (see section 4.7 above);  equal opportunity: the Group has put in place a Policy and procedures to:  prohibit and address any situation of discrimination of individuals, both at the time of hiring and throughout their working contract (see section 4.7),  promote diversity and inclusion as an asset to the company,  develop the skills of its employees, to enable them to continue to learn and develop their skills and abilities, which are the levers of the Group’s success in the cybersecurity sector;

 respect dignity in the relationship with and among our employees, as described in section 1.2 “Our values” of this Extra-Financial Performance Statement. In view of:  the Group’s rapid growth in recent years;  its international development and its current presence on five continents;  the expectations of its stakeholders on this major issue, the Group plans to finalise a formal commitment on these issues in 2023, involving both the governance and all employees. For several years now, Exclusive Networks UK and its personnel have supported a different charity each year: in 2022, the Mind charity that was chosen. Mind is a charity based in England and Wales that helps people with mental illnesses to cope better and raises awareness about them. One in four people suffer from mental health problems, and most of them do not get the help they need. Mind has set itself the task of changing minds and offering help in everyday life, whether information, advice or local services. The organisation is organised around a network of 130 local Minds, which offer support and specialist care close to the people who need it: 443,000 people benefited from Mind’s advice and help in 2021. SDG 3.4 Exclusive Networks UK’s support for the charitable sector


Exclusive Networks

Sustainability Report 2022

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