Exclusive Networks // Sustainability Report 2022

Environmental footprint Carbon footprint

Geographical distribution of emissions by scope

For the calculation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment:  the following greenhouse gases were taken into account, converted into tonnes of CO 2 equivalent (or tCO 2 eq) according to their Global Warming Potential: CO 2 , CH4, N2O, HFC, SF6, PFC, NF3 and CFC;  the Group’s carbon footprint was calculated using the ADEME-Association Bilan Carbone (ABC) calculation tool in its version 8.8 of October 2022, following the rules of the GHG Protocol and with a level of uncertainty for each item. This tool allows results to be displayed in several standard formats, including the GHG Protocol format;  the emission factors are taken from the ADEME database, unless otherwise stated. [GRI 305-1-b=>g/305-2-b=>g/305-3-b=>g]

5% 5%

12% 6%

7% 12%

18% 14%





Scope 1

Scope 2

Upstream Scope 3

Downstream Scope 3

EMEA Asia-Pacific

North Americas

The relative differences in downstream Scope 3 are explained by the higher electricity emission factor in the Asia-Pacific and North America regions, which penalises the “use of products sold” item.

GHG emissions intensity ratio For the scope determined for this report, the greenhouse gas intensity ratios calculated on the number of employees and on turnover are as follows:


2022 results

Measure and monitoring greenhouse gas intensity ratios [GRI 305-4-a/305-4-b/305-4-c/305-4-d/ 305-4-f/305-4-g]

2.4 tCO 2 e/employee (GHG intensity Scopes 1 and 2) 357.7 tCO 2 e/employee (GHG intensity for all scopes) GHG intensity Scopes 1 and 2 on revenue: not significant 0.22 tCO 2 e/€k (GHG intensity for all scopes)


Exclusive Networks

Sustainability Report 2022

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