Exclusive Networks // Sustainability Report 2022
Risks and opportunities Materiality analysis of sustainability issues
Materiality analysis of sustainability issues
Within the meaning of Article L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code, in the Extra-Financial Performance Statement, the Exclusive Networks Group reports on the significant risks that its activities could generate in terms of social, environmental, societal and governance issues, for itself as well as for its stakeholders. These risks have been assessed in relation to the Group’s materiality matrix. Methodology note The materiality analysis enables to identify and prioritise the most relevant sustainability issues for the Group and its stakeholders. As part of its corporate social responsibility, the Exclusive Networks Group wished to implement its first materiality matrix with the support of an independent consultancy, in order to strengthen the robustness and prioritisation of its main stakes, and to enhance its overall risk management approach (see Chapter 2.2). The aim is to ensure that the Group reports on its most important environmental, social and governance challenges, identifies present and future risks and opportunities, and defines its sustainability programme taking into account the prioritisation of these risks and opportunities.
For this first exercise, the matrix was built based on the consultation of: on the one hand, internal stakeholders, including the Group’s Executive Committee as well as executives representing all functions and the geographical areas in which the Group operates; on the other hand, external stakeholders, independent members of the Board of Directors and shareholders. The double materiality approach was adopted in order to address the various risk factors symmetrically when assessing their impacts, of the Group on its ecosystem and vice versa. Firstly, the main issues were identified on the basis of a sector benchmark carried out on vendors, customers and competitors representative of the Group’s activities. Next, nearly 20 individual interviews were conducted, during which people were asked about: the group’s strategic objectives and the main environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities most likely to have an impact on the Exclusive Networks Group in the future; the assessment of the importance of these impacts based on a quantitative rating scale.
Exclusive Networks
Sustainability Report 2022
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