Exclusive Networks // Sustainability Report 2022

Risks and opportunities Internal control and risk management


Internal control and risk management players

The Risks & Compliance and Internal Control departments manage the internal control and risk management systems. They report to the Executive Committee, which monitors them. The Audit Committee ensures that the internal control and risk management system is effective, particularly by reviewing the conclusions of the Internal Audit. The Group reorganised these departments during the 2022 financial year. As a result, the Risks & Compliance, Internal Control and Internal Audit departments, which were previously grouped together in the same department, now operate in three separate departments in order to ensure good governance in terms of independence and efficiency. Each of the departments has also been strengthened. Audit Committee The Audit Committee periodically reviews the internal control and risk management system. The organisation, mission and work of the Audit Committee in 2022 are described in greater detail in the Board of Directors’ report on Corporate Governance in Chapter 4, section “Audit Committee” of the 2022 Universal Registration Document. Risks & Compliance Department The Risks & Compliance department is responsible for regularly updating the Group’s risk mapping, including the mapping of corruption-related risks, and for leading the anti-corruption programme (updates, training, awareness-raising, managing the self-assessment campaign etc.). The Risks & Compliance Department reports to the Group’s Legal Department. Internal Control Department The main purpose of the Internal Control department is to identify the key controls that enable operational and financial risks (excluding corruption-related risks) to be mitigated, to define and deploy the corresponding procedures, policies and guidelines, and to monitor the internal control system (updates, training, awareness-raising, managing the annual self-assessment campaign, integration of these controls, where possible, into the Group’s Integrated Management Software etc.). The Internal Control department reports to the Group Finance Department.

Human Resources Department The quality of human resources and the cohesion of management are key factors in the Group’s success. The Group’s Human Resources Department, in coordination with the Risks & Compliance Department, ensures that the subsidiaries implement human resources policies that are adapted to their specific contexts and challenges, but always meet the best local standards. While the principle of autonomy and empowerment of subsidiaries is applied, the Group Human Resources Department is responsible for ensuring the consistency of the policies implemented and their alignment with the Group’s values and the actions defined at Executive Committee level. The Human Resources Department takes sanctions if necessary, in accordance with policies that are implemented within the Group. Internal Audit Department The Internal Audit Department independently and objectively assesses the functioning of the internal control, compliance and risk management system. This assessment covers compliance with the anti-corruption programme defined by the Risks & Compliance department, export controls defined by the Operations department and financial and operational controls defined by the Internal Control department. Based on the results of its audits, the Internal Audit department draws up recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the internal control and risk management system and ensures the correct implementation of the action plan defined at local Management level. The Internal Audit department is independent and reports directly to the Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. The audit plan is approved by the Audit Committee annually.


Exclusive Networks

Sustainability Report 2022


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