Exclusive Networks // Sustainability Report 2022

Message from the Chief Executive Officer1
1. Business model2
1.1 Our business model2
1.2 Our human values4
2. Risks and opportunities5
2.1 Risk factors7
2.2 Internal control and risk management20
2.3 Materiality analysis of sustainability issues26
3. Our key perfomance indicators and results29
4. Attracting and retaining talent30
4.1 Cybersecurity – a sector with a severe skills shortage30
4.2 Human Resources mission and organisation31
4.3 Employee commitment33
4.4 Performance and talent programme34
4.5 Training and skills development35
4.6 Exclusive Academy: tomorrow’s skills36
4.7 Diversity, inclusion, equity and equal opportunities36
4.8 Health and safety39
4.9 #WeAreExclusive40
5. Environmental footprint43
5.1 Energy consumption43
5.2 Carbon footprint44
5.3 Other environmental indicators50
5.4 Green Taxonomy51
6. Ethics, fair practices, compliance and security58
6.1 Compliance governance and organisation58
6.2 Ethics, prevention and anti-corruption59
6.3 Cybersecurity governance and organisation63
6.4 Information system protection64
6.5 Data protection66
6.6 Transparency and the fight against tax avoidance67
6.7 Export control67
7. Other regulatory issues69
7.1 Respect for human rights69
7.2 Collective agreements70
7.3 Societal commitments to the circular economy70
7.4 Food, food waste and food insecurity; animal welfare71
7.5 Physical and sports activities71
8. Methodology note72
8.1 Scope of consolidation72
8.2 Methodological information on indicators76
8.3 Extra-financial performance statement/GRI/SDG cross-reference table78
9. Opinion of the independent notified body83

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