Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document

Empower Sustainable Finance

Euronext’s five ESG Impact Areas and the Sustainable Development Goals

In 2021, Euronext has published the “Euronext Blue Economy footprint”. This study has been created to improve understanding of how Blue Economy companies listed on Euronext are making progress in adopting the sustainability agenda. Its aim to offer a high-level overview of companies listed on Euronext in the Blue Economy sector, to promote discussion on the opportunities and challenges of the Blue Economy. B.4 Reporting guidelines As the leading EU listing venue with close to 2,000 issuers, Euronext has both the responsibility and the ambition to equip listed companies as expectations on transparency and sustainability rise within the investor community. Euronext is therefore committed to encouraging the incorporation of ESG factors into investment decision-making. Such commitment is materialised in ESG Reporting Guidelines developed by Euronext in 2019. Beyond alerting issuers on the increasing importance of ESG, the guidelines were designed to: n help listed companies in their interactions with investors and the wider ESG community; n help them understand how to address ESG issues as a key component of investor relations; and n ease access to the main principles to consider when preparing an ESG report. B.5 ELITE network ELITE is an international network of SMEs aiming at connecting companies with diverse sources of capital to drive their growth. The ELITEmethodology aims at supporting companies in the revision of their strategic business plan and at facilitating the generational transition through the sharing of national and international best practices. Corporate Governance is one of the pillar of the immersive coaching and training path that companies go through in order to enhance the future strategy of their familyowned business: n 177 private SMEs did join ELITE in 2021 bringing the European ELITE community to +1,200 companies; n all companies access to a specific and mandatory module entirely dedicated to Corporate Governance focusing on: how to build a Board of Directors in SMEs; challenges and peculiarities of family owned businesses; the role of CG in strategic management and the relationship between owners and management; n all companies may access to a facultative workshop on Corporate Governance where international best practices on CG and how to face generation transition on family business are shared. In this workshop Elite analyses how to implement a female leadership and the fact that CG is a core component of the value creation strategy for a better long-term financial results and for attracting investors; n all Companies may also access to a specific assessment or coaching session delivered by majors law firms partnering with ELITE; n ELITE has developed a Framework on Corporate Governance by which ELITE shares with Companies good corporate governance best practices in order to achieve long term success for their stakeholders. This framework is at companies’ disposal on ELITE website.

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Money raised (€M)

IPO market cap (€bn)

Nb of deals
















SELECTED CLEANTECH NEW LISTINGS FOR 2021 Ebusco IPO: a provider of fully electric city and regional buses raised €323 million on Euronext Amsterdam representing a market capitalization at IPO of €1,335 million. Ebusco aims to contribute to a better and healthier living environment by making sustainable, emission-free transport of people the standard. Aker Clean Hydrogen Private Placement: The new issuer raised €297 million on Euronext Growth Olso and was valued €1.09 billion at the listing date. Aker Clean Hydrgogen build, develop and operate clean hydrogen facilities, covering the full asset lifecycle. HDF Energy IPO: The hydrogen storage specialist is a pioneer in developing and operating high capacity large-scale Hydrogen- to-Power infrastructure to provide firm or on-demand electricity from renewable energy sources (wind or solar), combined with high power MultiMegawatt fuel cells. The companies chose capital markets to support its growth raising €151 million through its IPO on Euronext Paris. Greenvolt IPO: The Portuguese renewable energy raised circa €149 million on Euronext Lisbon at a €496 million valuation. GreenVolt uses biomass, producing energy exclusively from forestry and agroforestry waste in Portugal and wood recycling mainly from urban demolition waste in the UK. B.2 The STAR Milan Segment Euronext STAR Milan Segment was created in 2001 in order to promote excellent SMEs and to increase their visibility towards Italian and foreign investors. Companies listed on Euronext STAR Milan Segment are committed to fulfill strict requirements, in terms of liquidity, transparency and corporate governance. These companies benefit from visibility supported by Borsa Italiana ( i.e. STAR Conferences in Milan and in London) and from a higher acknowledgement by investors in comparison with other listed companies of similar dimension. B.3 Blue Economy Report All Euronext countries being adjacent to the ocean and having rich fishing, shipping and seafaring traditions, Euronext decided to take on a leadership position in the Blue Economy in order to mitigate the losses in the ocean’s natural capital resulting from unsustainable economic activity, address the threats to the oceans and contribute to enhanced ocean and coastal resilience.



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