Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document

Empower Sustainable Finance 3 Value Creation by Euronext

Specific KPIs have also been defined for each impact area, details of which are set out in the section below, with a summary for 2021 in section 3.5 - Summary of ESG KPI. Euronext is leveraging its ESG performance to build an impactful ESG strategy 2022-2024 embedded in the strategic plan “Growth for Impact 2024”. The new sustainability strategy focuses on accelerating climate action both in the Euronext operations and through the role it plays in empowering sustainable finance across all its markets. In that context, Euronext has launched its “Fit for 1.5°” climate commitment, for its own business, its partners and its clients.

Material Impact Area

Drivers of the mission

Key Issues

Fit For 1.5°


n Organise a trusted, fair, transparent and efficient market, thereby enhancing access to capital n Promote and develop sustainable and innovative products and services with environmental (green and blue) or social added value n Be the spokesperson of the sector and foster “Issuer-Investor” dialogue n Maintain an ongoing dialogue with multi-stakeholder partnerships n Educate our partners on financial literacy and regulations n Develop skills and retain talents in an open culture of dialogue n Promote diversity n Respect human rights and local labor laws n Act ethically, with integrity and the highest standards in terms of good governance n Educate and engage with our local Community

n Number of incidents reported to the College of Regulators n Number of operational alerts treated internally by EMS n Availability of the trading platform Percentage of ESG Revenues

Driving investment in innovative, sustainable products and services through secure and transparent markets, in continuous collaboration with the financial community

Our Markets

Develop capital market solutions for a carbon neutral European economy

n Number of suppliers having signed the code of conduct n Client satisfaction (“NPS”)

Our Partners

Implement a forward-looking and outcome-based approach across all its impact areas, including human capital, community investment and governance issues that are material to its industry with a view to improving its overall ESG ratings relative to peers Commit to setting science-based quantitative climate targets by signing the “Business Ambition for 1.5°C”

n Diversity at the Senior Leadership Team

Our People

Inspiring and promoting sustainable tangible practices within the Company

n GDPR training employees n Personal data breaches n Use of the Whistleblowing process

and towards our communities, by respecting and

Our Society

developing our people and by supporting our ecosystem.

n Reduce our own carbon footprint and contribute to the protection of the environment

Our Environment

n Carbon emission



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