Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document

Risk management & Control Structure 2 Mitigation Measures

Third Party Risk

Regulatory and Liabilities Risk In order to ensure that Euronext remains compliant will all laws and regulations it has taken a range of proactive preventative measures. For example, the Regulatory and Government affairs team of the Group monitors and informs the business about all relevant legislative developments, to ensure that businesses are aware by the business of all applicable rules and regulations. In addition, compliance policies and procedures are regularly reviewed to ensure that Group entities and staff are compliant with applicable laws and regulations and uphold our corporate standards. The Euronext Code of Business Conduct and Ethics sets out the principles of behaviour required of all Company employees and is provided to all new joiners. In addition, conduct risk is primarily managed via a wide range of policies and procedures, applicable to employees, and is enforcing these through regular training and monitoring. Legal functions have been established at various locations to ensure coverage of all business lines, including throughout all stages of business projects to comply with local laws and regulations. Ownership and Intellectual Property Risk Euronext takes measures to prevent infringement of its own IP rights, in addition to measures to seek to ensure that it conducts its business activities in a manner which avoids inadvertently breaching third party-owned IP rights, including via a combination of trademark laws, copyright laws, trade secret protection, database laws, confidentiality agreements and other contractual arrangements with its affiliates, customers, strategic investors and others in order to protect its own IP rights. To avoid infringement on any third-party IP rights, Euronext has processes in place supported by the compliance team, including staff awareness. Furthermore, Euronext conducts internal reviews of the use of third-party intellectual property in order to monitor compliance and to uphold its contractual commitments. Non-Clearing The Group seeks to limit its exposure to credit risk by rigorously selecting the counterparties with which it executes agreements. Most customers of the Group are leading financial institutions that are highly rated. Investments of cash and cash equivalents in bank current accounts and money market instruments, such as short-term fixed and floating rate interest deposits, are governed by a strict group Treasury Investment Policy aimed at reducing credit risk. The Group continuously monitors the credit ratings of its counterparties and reviews individual counterparty limits on a regular basis In addition to the creditworthiness of counterparties, the Group’s Treasury Investment Policy also prescribes the diversification of counterparties (banks, financial institutions, funds) to avoid a concentration of risk. Derivatives are negotiated with leading high-grade banks. FINANCIAL RISKS Credit Risk

Technology Service Providers The Group seeks to identify and manage risks associated with third party risk by partnering with reputable technology and services providers, via audits of the technology, backups and business continuity arrangements with its partners as well as information on remediation plans should any of its providers experience service issues. The Group has implemented an Outsourcing policy which ensures the due diligence of all service providers. With respect to the ongoing dependency on London Stock Exchange Group, all services provided are governed by an extensive set of agreements that outline the services, including performance of IT systems, duration and support from London Stock Exchange Group IT teams. Clearing and Settlement Service Providers Euronext has contracts with each of its post-trade providers that establish clear governance and service quality. Specifically, with LCH SA a long-term contract has been signed between two entities and regular governance instances are established that help to maintain the relationship between the two entities. Finally, the Group holds 11.1% stake in LCH SA help ensure a stable durable partnership. Euronext holds directly 3.53% of Euroclear S.A./N.V. as well as membership on the board of directors ensuring that Euronext’s is involved decision-making. Employees Risk With respect to its employees, the Group strives for strong company engagement with its workforce, with a focus on a culture incorporating inclusion, diversity and equality. Euronext has an established and proactive Talent Acquisition and Talent Development policy in accordance with the strategic plan priorities as well as dedicated leadership programmes for the development of the managers and leaders of the organisation. A Group training plan has also been rolled out to favour access to training on the core strategic skills to all employees through monthly sharing sessions and weeks dedicated to learning open to all staff. To help prevent the skills’ shortage, specifically in the information technology field, Euronext partners with engineering and IT schools to co-develop projects and improve its visibility as an attractive employer. Euronext has also developed an “Early Career” programme to recruit and train students and recent graduates with the latest technologies and critical skills. Moreover, Euronext carries out initiatives to favour the health conditions and quality of life at work through with actions related to health, sport, nutrition and work-life balance, and reinforces its ESG commitment internally and externally. The Group seeks to improve relations with employees on a continuous basis, and in particular in periods of high transformation, the Group has dedicated plans in place for teams determined to be at high risk to improve the way of working and create a better workplace. Finally the onboarding of additional resources to support employees through the multiple projects is ongoing. Please see Section 3.4.3 – Our People for details regarding employee the multiple employee initiatives in place.



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