Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document


2.1 Risk Factors Hierarchy of risk factors Russia / Ukraine War Risk


Euronext analyses and monitors risks whose occurrence could have a material impact on the Group’s business. The table of the Group’s principal risks categorises these risks, the most material risks taking into account the impact and the probability of their occurrence. Although Euronext believes that the risks and uncertainties described below are the material risks and uncertainties concerning the Group’s business and industry, they are not the only risks and uncertainties relating to the Group. Other risks, events, facts or circumstances not presently known to Euronext, or that Euronext currently deems to be immaterial could, individually or cumulatively, prove to be important and may have a significant negative impact on the Group.

52 53 53 56 59

Strategic Risks Operational Risks Financial Risks

2.2 Mitigation Measures


Russia / Ukraine War Risk

61 61 61 62

Strategic Risks Operational Risks Financial Risks

2.3 Control Framework


Risk Approach and Internal Control Objectives

64 64 64 65 65 69

ERM Framework

ERM Framework Governance 2.3.1 First Line of Defence 2.3.2 Second Line of Defence

2.3.3 Internal Audit – Third Line of Defence



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