Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document

Presentation of the Group 1 Description of the Business

Bergamo, in Italy. This migration will allow Euronext to fully control and directly manage its core IT infrastructure, and a key service to clients, which was previously outsourced. This will also allow the generation of colocation revenues. Clients will benefit from a state-of-the-art colocation facility. Since this data centre is powered by renewable energy sources, clients will see their own carbon footprints reduced. The date currently targeted for the first part of the Group Core Data Centre migration is set for June 2022.

With the integration of both Gatelab and X2M into Euronext Technology Solutions, the provision of services will be extended to financial Institutions, alongside those already provided to venues. With the integration of both Gatelab and X2M into Euronext Technology Solutions, the provision of services will be extended to financial Institutions, alongside those already provided to venues. Euronext announced in April 2021 the strategic decision to migrate its Core Data Centre from Basildon, in the United Kingdom, to



Resilient model delivering

Present on the entire value chain

Strong European anchorage

consistent growth and profitability

Liquidity and transparency to all market participants through regulated exchanges

United in diversity with an open federal model

Offering of a wide range of products

Presence on the entire value chain Euronext operates seven national markets, four central securities depositories (CSDs) and one multi-asset clearing house across Europe. The Group therefore has the ability to directly manage the entire capital markets value chain and intends to grow and leverage its scale and presence for the benefit of its clients, teammembers, shareholders and stakeholders. This presence on the entire value chain notably allows Euronext to align strategic priorities between its trading and post-trade activities supporting innovation for the benefit of its clients. Strong European anchorage Euronext operates the largest liquidity pool in Europe, whose platform Optiq® attracted 25% of European share trading activity in 2021. Euronext benefits from a diverse client base, both in terms of geographic distribution and type of trading flow. The Company has an established European and United Kingdom client base, representing 68% of cash trading average daily volume and 72% of derivatives

trading average daily volume for the year ended 31 December 2021. United States clients accounted for 31% of Euronext’s cash trading average daily volume and 28% of its derivatives trading average daily volume for the year ended 31 December 2021. Resilient Model Delivering Consistent Growth and Profitability Euronext’s sources of revenues are diversified across the businesses, markets and client segments. For the year ended 31 December 2021, approximately 55% of the Company’s revenues were generated by its non-volume related businesses. Non-volume related businesses include Advanced Data Services, investor services, listings excluding initial public offerings (“IPOs”), custody and settlement, net treasury income through central counterparty (“CCP”) business, and Euronext Technology Solutions & Other. This helps to limit Euronext’s exposure to cyclicality in demand for particular products or services or in individual markets.



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