Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document

Operating and Financial Review 7 Overview

its acquisition-date fair value of €57.4 million (at NOK 158 per share plus interest payments) resulting in a gain of €3.6 million, which was recognised in Other Comprehensive Income. As a consequence of the transaction, the equity investment in Oslo Børs VPS was fully derecognised and its historical revaluation gain, recognised in Other Comprehensive Income, was transferred to retained earnings on the date of acquiring the majority stake.

and governance, Euronext has recognised its 50% shareholding in Algonext as an “Investment in associates and joint ventures” from the date of incorporation. On 2 March 2017, Euronext acquired a 7.59% stake in JV partner Algomi for $10 million. This investment is recognised as an “Financial asset at fair value through OCI” from acquisition date. As part of the purchase agreement, Euronext was granted a warrant, allowing it to purchase 88,384 additional Algomi shares, that was exercised in the second half of 2017. The investment was recognised as an available-for-sale financial asset at fair value for €9.6 million as per 31 December 2017. The management of Algomi decided to change its strategic course of direction in the second half of 2018, by focusing on their “Alpha” product, rather than further maintaining the “Honeycomb/ Synchronicity” network. This has resulted inmany banks terminating their contracts with Algomi. The Honeycomb/Synchronicity network is the major source of data to feed the MTF and without this data the MTF is not expected to generate any trade. The Group expects that this change in focus will have an adverse impact on the financial situations on both Algomi and Algonext, as these entities will not be generating licence fee revenues going forward. Considering this, the Group recorded a downward revaluation of its investment in Algomi to reflect its revised estimated fair value (to zero), which is recognised in Other Comprehensive Income as per 31 December 2018. Further in 2018, it recognised an impairment of its investment in joint venture Algonext bringing its carrying value to zero. Certain assets that were recognised for Algomi exclusivity rights and prepaid expenses for the joint venture have been impaired for which a charge has been recorded in Exceptional items. In 2019, fair value (zero) did not change for this investment. In Q1 2020, the Group sold its 7.74% minority stake in Algomi Ltd. to BGC Partners for a consideration of €2.6 million, comprising €1.9 million of cash receipt and €0.7 million of deferred receivable, pending any post-transaction settlements. The investment was remeasured to fair value through Other Comprehensive Income at €2.6 million. Subsequently, the investment was derecognised. n Oslo Børs VPS Holding ASA (Oslo Børs VPS) On 24 December 2018, Euronext announced it had approached the board of directors of Oslo Børs VPS Holding ASA (“Oslo Børs VPS”) to seek its support for a €625m cash tender offer for all the outstanding shares of Oslo Børs VPS, the Norwegian Stock Exchange and national CSD operator, headquartered in Oslo. As per 31 December 2018, following share purchases made by the Group at end of 2018, the Group held a 5.1% ownership interest in Oslo Børs VPS amounting to €31.7 million. The Group irrevocably elected to classify the 5.1% investment in Oslo Børs VPS as an equity investment at fair value through other comprehensive income. The Group considered the purchase price of NOK 145 per share to be best proxy for fair value as per 31 December 2018, supported by prices of Oslo Børs VPS shares traded at the end of December 2018 and beginning of 2019. During 2019, the Group made additional share purchases for €22.1 million, increasing its ownership in Oslo Børs VPS to 8.3%, before acquiring the majority stake on 14 June 2019. Immediately before obtaining the majority stake and as part of the total purchase consideration, the equity investment was revaluated to

Other factors n COVID-19

In 2020, the global pandemic from the COVID-19 outbreak caused disruption to financial markets and normal patterns of business activity across the world, including in the markets in which the Group operates. In particular, unprecedented actions to protect public health and monetary and fiscal policy measures taken by governments and central banks made the severity of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic very uncertain. The health situation had no adverse impact on the Group’s market operations. The Group was able to ensure smooth and efficient running of critical functions and processes. Euronext markets remained open, servicing a highly volatile trading environment, positively impacting the Group’s trading revenues in 2020. In both 2020 and 2021, to protect the health and safety of employees, the Group applied the recommendations of local authorities: widespread remote working for staff (including ensuring all staff provided with required material), reinforced cleaning measures for those in Euronext offices, additional barriers, face masks and hand sanitizer for all employees, etc. Reinforced communication from management and mental health resources for employees was made available. In both 2020 and 2021, the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak did not lead to the Group making use of any financial support from governments in the form of reliefs or grants and did not lead to a negative impact on the Group’s liquidity position or to an impairment of goodwill. As a result, the COVID-19 pandemic has had no adverse impact on the Group’s Financial Statements for years ended 31 December 2020 and 31 December 2021. GOODWILL Goodwill recorded includes the entire goodwill that arose from the acquisition of the Amsterdam and Brussels stock exchanges in 2000 and the Lisbon stock exchange in 2002. It also includes an allocation of the goodwill that arose from the acquisition of Atos Euronext Market Solutions (“AEMS”), Euronext’s preferred IT service provider, in 2008. In 2017, additional goodwill was recorded in relation to the acquisitions of Company Webcast, iBabs and FastMatch. In 2018, additional goodwill was recorded in relation to the acquisitions of InsiderLog, the Irish Stock Exchange and Commcise. In 2019, additional goodwill was recorded in relation to the acquisitions of Oslo Børs VPS and FinanceWebWorking S.A.S. In 2020, additional goodwill was recorded in relation to the acquisitions of Nord Pool, Ticker Software, 3Sens and VP Securities. In 2021, additional goodwill was recorded in relation to the acquisition of the Borsa Italiana Group and its subsidiaries. 7.1.6



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