Euronext // 2021 Universal Registration Document

Corporate Governance 4 Management Structure

importance for the Exchange operated by such Euronext Market Subsidiary. Each member of the Managing Board of such Euronext Market Subsidiary has the right to request that the item is placed on the agenda of the Supervisory Board of Euronext. The Supervisory Board shall then discuss the matter with the Managing Board of Euronext, and consider the arguments of the Managing Board of the Euronext Market Subsidiary, following which the Supervisory Board will take a final and binding decision on the matter. Appointment and Dismissal Members of the Managing Board are appointed by the General Meeting of shareholders (i) in accordance with a proposal of the Supervisory Board or (ii) from a binding nomination to be drawn up by the Supervisory Board. The General Meeting of shareholders may suspend or dismiss a member of the Managing Board at all times. Managing board members may also be suspended by the Supervisory Board. Members of the Managing Board The table below lists the members of the Managing Board at 31 December 2021.

Additionally, pursuant to Dutch law, resolutions of the Managing Board involving a major change in Euronext’s identity or its business require the prior approval of the General Meeting and the Supervisory Board, which in any case include: n the transfer of the enterprise or practically the whole enterprise to third parties; n the entering into or the termination of a long-term joint cooperation with another legal entity or company or as fully liable partner in a limited partnership or a general partnership if this cooperation or termination of such a cooperation is of major significance to Euronext; n the acquisition or disposal of a participating interest in the capital of a company having a value of at least one-third of the amount of the assets according to the balance sheet with explanatory notes thereto, or if Euronext prepares a consolidated balance sheet, according to such consolidated balance sheet with explanatory notes in the last adopted annual accounts. The Rules of Procedure of the Managing Board provide that the Managing Board of a Euronext Market Subsidiary has the right to reject a resolution by the Managing Board if such resolution solely or principally has an impact on the exchange operated by such Euronext Market Subsidiary and such impact is material or of strategic



Position Group CEO

Appointed on 4 November 2015

Stéphane Boujnah


Øivind Amundsen


CEO Oslo Børs

14 May 2020

Delphine d’Amarzit


CEO Euronext Paris

27 May 2021

Daryl Byrne


CEO Euronext Dublin

24 October 2018

Simone Huis in ‘t Veld


CEO Euronext Amsterdam 5 November 2019

Georges Lauchard


Group COO

8 July 2020

Chris Topple


CEO Euronext London & Head of Global Sales

24 October 2018

Isabel Ucha


CEO Euronext Lisbon

16 May 2019

Vincent Van Dessel


CEO Euronext Brussels

15 March 2014

On 1 January 2021, the Managing Board was composed of Stéphane Boujnah (Chairman), Øivind Amundsen, Anthony Attia, Daryl Byrne, Simone Huis in ‘t Veld, Georges Lauchard, Chris Topple, Isabel Ucha and Vincent Van Dessel.

four years terms. All appointments’ terms will progressively be compliant with the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. Euronext has assessed that the appointment to the Managing Board in 2021 is in compliance with the requirements as included in art. 5:29a of the Dutch “Wet op het financieel toezicht” regarding the maximum number of board positions. Euronext’s registered address serves as the business address for all members of the Managing Board, being Beursplein 5, 1012 JW, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Anthony Attia resigned from the Managing Board with effect from 11 May 2021 in order to fully focus on his expanded Group-level strategic business responsibilities as Global Head of Primary Markets and Post Trade of Euronext. At the Annual General Meeting held on 11 May 2021, Delphine d’Amarzit was appointed to the Managing Board. Her appointment was at that moment still subject to regulatory approval and became effective on 27 May 2021. All members of the Managing Board who were appointed before Euronext N.V. became a listed company were appointed for an indefinite period of time; the appointments that occurred since were made in compliance with the Dutch Corporate Governance Code for



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