Euronext - 2020 Universal Registration Document

Presentation of the Group 1 Company Profile

Competition On the corporate listing side, competition between exchanges for domestic issuers is rare. When a domestic issuer lists on another exchange, it tends to be on an sector specific market rather than on another European stock exchange, in particular in respect of global companies and SMEs in the technology sector. As part of its strategy, Euronext strives to attract issuers from new markets: Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain and therefore will face the competition of local market operators. Euronext has offices in two European cities outside its core markets – in Milan (Italy) and in Madrid (Spain) – to assist Tech companies in developing their business on a greater scale through capital markets. While competition in the cash trading market is relatively mature, in recent years Euronext has faced increased pressure on pricing and market share in equity options trading, in particular from new entrants to the market that have fee structures that are significantly lower than the Company’s fee structure and a reduced cost structure aligned with their narrower service offering. However, Euronext remained the largest liquidity pool in Europe, with a market share on its cash equity markets above 60%. The competition for proprietary real-time market data is still limited as trading participants prefer to receive and use market data from the home exchange rather than using substitute pricing. However, Euronext is experiencing an increasing pressure, both from a regulatory (MiFID II) and competitive perspective (alternative trading platforms, including MTFs such as CBOE who focus on the most liquid blue chip stocks). Nevertheless, Euronext believes that diversity in a wide range of stocks listed on its markets is Euronext’s strength in this increasingly competitive environment and will help Euronext retain its position as preferred data source. In less time critical areas such as reference data – and particularly corporate actions and historical data – participants want a consolidated European feed from a single source. Euronext is not the only source of corporate actions or historical data so there is more competition in these areas. As for market operator technology, the market for financial information technology is intensely competitive and characterised by rapidly changing technology and new entrants. Euronext has built the next generation trading platform, Optiq®, and is well positioned to benefit from its state-of-the art stability, scalability and latency. Regulated Markets Regulated markets are markets constituted in an EEA Member State’s territory that fulfill the criteria of MiFID. Regulated markets have higher disclosure and transparency requirements than multilateral trading facilities. Trading on regulated markets is subject to stricter rules than on other types of trading venues. A regulated market cannot operate without securing prior authorisation from its regulator(s). Authorisation is subject to compliance with organisational requirements pertaining to conflicts of interest, identification and management of operational risks, systems resilience, the existence of transparent and non- discriminatory trading rules, as well as sufficient financial resources.

market platforms within the Euronext model, which is demanding in terms of commercial and financial performance, ambitious in terms of innovation, and fundamentally federal in its governance with local presence and representation retained. As an operator of regulated capital markets, Euronext’s mission is to bring together buyers and sellers in venues that are transparent, efficient and reliable. The Group combines cash, fixed income securities and derivatives markets in its six locations together with a global foreign exchange trading venue. Euronext’s broad portfolio of products, services and platforms covers the full range of market services, including the provision of market information, the development and operation of information technology systems, investor services and the ease of access to settlement and clearing facilities. In recent years, Euronext has expanded into fast growing revenue services and new asset classes. Euronext has built a complete Corporate Services offering through successive bolt-on deals. This offering, also aimed at non-issuers, was designed to meet clients’ needs in critical areas such as regulation, governance, communication, and compliance. Euronext has also entered new asset classes to diversify its asset classes with the acquisition of Euronext FX (formerly FastMatch) in 2017, expanding into the FX market, and in 2020 with the acquisition of Nord Pool, a leading power trading infrastructure in the Nordics, expanding into the power market. These acquisitions enabled Euronext to target a new set of clients around the globe. With the acquisition of the Irish Stock Exchange, now Euronext Dublin, in 2018, Euronext became the global leader in the listing of debt and funds securities. With Interbolsa in Portugal, and following the acquisition of Oslo Børs VPS in Norway in 2019 and VP Securities in Denmark in 2020, Euronext has positioned itself as a leading Central Securities Depository (“CSD”) operator in Europe. The Group intends to leverage this enlarged footprint to support the development of new post- trade services and upgraded technology for each of the Euronext CSDs, while maintaining highly reliable and cost-efficient services supporting each local ecosystem. These successful integrations highlight Euronext’s value proposition to benefit from Euronext’s extended client base and several cross- selling opportunities. Euronext aims to be the trusted choice for its clients providing them access to European financial markets and to transform from an exchange into a market infrastructure, boosting its presence across the full value chain of financial markets, offering best-in-class services to all its clients. BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT As an exchange operator, Euronext’s operations and performance depend significantly on market and economic conditions in Europe, but also the United States, Asia and the rest of the world. Euronext is operating in a business environment that is best described as a complex non-linear system with dependencies on decisions of policy makers and regulators worldwide, with subsequent developments in the legal, regulatory and tax environment as well as the macroeconomic environment both in Europe and abroad. 1.1.3



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