Euronext - 2020 Universal Registration Document

Corporate Governance

Management Structure

Provision of the Dutch Code regarding meetings with analysts that Euronext did not apply in 2020: n Euronext did not apply best practice provision 4.2.3 (“meetings with analysts, presentations to analysts, presentations to investors and institutional investors and press conferences shall be announced in advance on the Company’s website and by means of press

releases, enabling all shareholders to follow these meetings and presentations in real time, for example by means of webcasting or telephone”): Euronext does not always allow shareholders to follow meetings with analysts and institutional investors in real time. Euronext ensures that all shareholders and other parties in the financial markets are provided with equal and simultaneous information about matters that may influence the share price.

4.2 Management Structure

4.2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION No information on family relationships between members of the Supervisory Board, members of the Managing Board and senior staff, as well as on convictions in relation to fraudulent offences, bankruptcies, receiverships, liquidations, companies put into administration, official public sanctions or official public incriminations with regard to these persons has been included in this Universal Registration Document, as these matters are not applicable to these persons. Further, to the best of Euronext’s knowledge, the members of the Supervisory Board, of the Managing Board and senior staff do not have potential conflicts of interest between any duties to the Company and private interests and or other duties of members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies or any senior manager who is relevant to establishing that the issuer has the appropriate expertise and experience for the management of the issuer’s business in 2020 and up to date of the publication of this Universal Registration Document. When new files are discussed at Supervisory Board and Managing Board meetings, generally concerning Merger and Acquisitions items, a regular conflict check is run and the Conflict of Interest policy then applies, the conflicted board director being withdrawn from the discussion. The professional address of all members of the Supervisory Board, Managing Board and senior staff of Euronext is Beursplein 5, 1012 JW, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Responsibility for this Universal Registration Document The Managing Board declares that the information contained in the Universal Registration Document, including the Financial Statements and the directors’ report, is, to the best of its knowledge, in accordance with the facts and contains no omission likely to affect its import. The Managing Board is responsible for this Universal Registration Document. In Control Statement Euronext’s first and second lines of defence perform their roles in risk assessments, evaluations of the operating effectiveness of controls, and reporting on risk management and control. The concluding results are regularly discussed at senior and executive management level. Group Audit, as the third line of defence, evaluates both the design and effectiveness of Euronext’s governance, risk management and control processes. Audit reports are discussed with risk and process owners and the Audit Committee. Based on the risk management processes, the Managing Board makes the following statements regarding internal riskmanagement and control, taking into account Euronext’s strategy and risk profile. In accordance with best practice provisions 1.4.2. and 1.4.3 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, Euronext’s Managing Board is of the opinion that, in respect of financial reporting risks, the design and operation of the internal risk management and control system, as described in “Risk Management” and “Internal control” (i) provides a reasonable level of assurance that the financial reporting in this Universal Registration Document does not contain any errors of material importance, and (ii) has worked properly during the financial year 2020. As set out in section 2.2, Euronext has a robust Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Governance, which allow the Managing Board to identify and assess the Company’s principal risks to enable strong decision making with regards to the execution of the stated strategy. On the basis hereof the Managing Board has assessed the risk profile and the design and operating effectiveness of the risk management and control systems; this was discussed with the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board. The Managing Board declares that, based on the current state of affairs, including financial position and strategic prospects, the implementation of the Business Continuity Framework and the reporting process on existing or potential material risks, as set out under 2.2.1, it is justified that the financial reporting is prepared on a going concern basis; and that this Universal Registration Document


Statement of the Managing Board

Responsibilities for the Financial Statements and Directors’ Report

In accordance with Article 5:25c(2)(c) of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act ( Wet op het financieel toezicht ), the Managing Board of Euronext hereby declares that, to the best of its knowledge, (i) the Financial Statements prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union and with Part 9, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of Euronext and the enterprises included in the consolidation as a whole, and (ii) the directors’ report gives a true and fair view of the position on the balance sheet date, the course of events during the financial year of Euronext and the enterprises included in the consolidation as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks that Euronext faces.



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