Euronext - 2020 Universal Registration Document

Euronext, a Sustainable Exchange

ESG Dashboard 2020

Sponsoring and Donations Euronext has previously granted a few sponsorship or donations. This practice is discontinued as of 2021, since Euronext has decided to mainly support community initiatives that involve employees volunteering in the areas of financial literacy and the Blue Economy. In 2020, Euronext entered into a new partnership with Junior Achievement in Europe, as described under the section on “Volunteering” above. Other sponsorships and donations granted by Euronext in 2020 are as follows: n in Amsterdam: Donations were made to September for people living with cerebral palsy. A team of 30 Euronext employees participated in September (10,000 steps per day for 28 days) raising money for the organisation during the early phase of the pandemic, when there was a critical lack of personal protective equipment, Euronext Amsterdam distributed a total of 16,000 masks to different Euronext locations for redistribution to hospitals throughout Europe; n in Brussels: A donation of 5,000 euro to “Les Restos du Cœur” as part of Covid-19 giving; n in Dublin: €2,000+ donations were provided to local hospitals in Dublin; n in Lisbon and Porto, During the lockdown of Portugal offices, the fruit that usually are available to employees was donated to ACREDITAR. ACREDITAR is an association that since 1994 provides a support network that helps families face better the dynamics that childhood cancer imposes, trying to provide everyone with the certainty of support at a time of uncertainties. 20 tablets and 40 Internet access cards were donated to schools and distributed to disadvantaged students, ensuring that they had the necessary IT resources to proceed with their studies during the full lockdown; n in London: Distribution of 1,000 face masks to a local church distributing food and essentials parcels to the vulnerable, a local hospital, Hestia (the London office’s nominated Charity) and a local depot distributing food and essentials parcels to the elderly and vulnerable. Euronext London donated £4,000 to Hestia in lieu of the family picnic/sports day held in 2019, and £550 for the virtual London to Paris bike ride in support of Hestia; n in Oslo: Sponsor of and event collaboration with AksjeNorge, a non-profit organisation that contributes to increased knowledge about the securities markets and how to invest long term in listed companies and mutual funds. Donation of the surplus from the violation charges paid by companies on Merkur Market to the Church City Mission. Oslo Børs hosted an event in support of the national fundraising campaign for the World Wildlife Fund to fight plastic pollution of our oceans and contributed financially with a donation that included the proceeds from an auction for an opening bell ceremony at the Exchange. Annually, Oslo Børs and VPS employees donate half of the value of their annual Christmas gift, to the Church City Mission in Oslo, supporting homeless people and other disadvantaged people in the neighbourhood of the Exchange;

n in Paris, Euronext Paris donated €5,000 to the Banyan association, which sponsors, in particular, the annual National Youth Day (“NYD”) that Euronext takes part in. The NYD helps teenagers with their professional orientation and the development of their competences and knowledge of the professional world. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the NYD could not take place. Euronext Paris also covered the Project Rescue Ocean (PRO) membership cost for its employees volunteering on the Coastal Clean-up Day in partnership with PRO. OUR ENVIRONMENT In 2019, Euronext partneredwith Carbone 4 in order to clearly identify and assess its potential climate-related risks and opportunities in addition to calculating its carbon footprint. The study was conducted based on 2018 activity data. In 2021, Euronext has again carried out an analysis of its carbon footprint based on 2020 activity data. Through this study, Carbone 4 also updated Euronext’s 2018 carbon footprint, as more granular data were available. Euronext’s carbon footprint is estimated with the Bilan Carbone methodology, both in 2019 and 2021. The Bilan Carbone is the reference carbon inventory methodology in France, which is compliant with ISO 14064; GHG Protocol and Directive No.2003/87/EU. The chosen boundary of the footprint was Operational Control: emissions for the installations over which Euronext exercises control. All emissions sources relevant to Euronext’s activities have been included in the assessment. The scope of the study remains unchanged and includes Euronext’s following offices: Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, London, Dublin, Porto & Lisbon, Oslo & Stockholm and New York For 2019, the amended results are the following: the Euronext’s carbon footprint is equivalent to 19.6 ktCO 2 eq that may be split as following: n Scope 1 = 370 tCO 2 eq representing 2% of the Euronext global carbon footprint i.e. direct emission from buildings and other assets; n Scope 2 = 1,760 tCO 2 eq representing 9% of the Euronext global carbon footprint i.e. electricity consumption; n Scope 3 = 17,500 tCO 2 eq representing 89% of the Euronext global carbon footprint Purchases, travels, commuting , etc. For 2020, the Euronext’s carbon footprint is equivalent to 18.5 ktCO 2 eq that may be split as following: n Scope 1 = 270 tCO 2 eq representing 1% of the Euronext global carbon footprint i.e. direct emission from buildings and other assets; n Scope 2 = 1,600 tCO 2 eq representing 9% of the Euronext global carbon footprint i.e. electricity consumption; n Scope 3 = 16,600 tCO 2 eq representing 90% of the Euronext global carbon footprint Purchases, travels, commuting , etc. 3.6.5




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