Euronext - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Euronext, a sustainable exchange

Euronext’s Five ESG Impact Areas and the Sustainable Development Goals

Sponsoring and Donations The Company encourages its staff to volunteer in the financial literacy field, but has also granted a few sponsorship or donations: n in Amsterdam: Donations were made to September for people living with cerebral palsy and a team of Euronext has participated in September (10.000 steps per day for 28 days) raising money for the organization; n in Brussels, two donations have been made in 2019: a donation of 5.000 € to Capitant, a student organisation which aims to introduce students to and further guide them in the financial markets, in all aspects and worldwide, and a donation of 3.000 € to Zam-med ’objective. The Zam-Med is a non-profit organization which aims at financing projects that allowing people to access drinking water in the region of Djuma, in the province of Kwilu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo; n in Dublin, a coffee morning fundraiser was held for the Peter McVerry (homelessness) Trust; a bake sale and raffle held for our lady’s hospice; and a quiz night for Stuart’s School with a €2,000 Company donation; n in Lisbon and Porto, Euronext has been one of the key promoters and sponsors of the national initiative Finance for Growth: a program created with the support of the Portuguese government dedicated to enlightening SMC businesses on the different financing solutions. The initiative aims to get to 1,500 companies, via conferences and a roadshow all over the country, to work closely with those who wants to know more about the tools that better suit their financing needs. Also, EPIS – donation of social responsibility; SIR – forum sponsor for Investor relation (Social Business); AEM – sponsor of association of listed Companies; BCSD – sponsor of ESG; APAF – Portuguese Financial Analyst annual donation and sponsoring IB; AEP: sponsoring of financial institution; PFA – sponsor of Portugal Fintech Association; n in London: a donation of £7,000 was done for Refurbishment of School Library to the Sir John Cass Primary School; n in Oslo: Sponsor of and event collaboration with AksjeNorge, a non-profit organisation that contributes to increased knowledge about the securities markets and how to invest long term in listed companies and mutual funds. Donation of the surplus from the violation charges paid by companies on Merkur Market to the Church City Mission. Auction of bell ceremony to raise funds for CARE Norge’s work to empower women and girls in some of the world’s poorest countries; n in Paris, a donation of €5,000 to the Banyan association, which sponsors, in particular, the National Youth Day organized each year (which helps teenagers with their professional orientation and the development of their competences and knowledge of the professional world); €1,000 donation was made to International Women’s Rights Day.

high school students, and entering into more elaborate details on the functions of an exchange for students in universities and business schools. The Euronext group CEO dedicated a half-day presentation of the role of an exchange to young students from a Collège in Pantin, Bagnolet et Drancy, and several members of Euronext Parismanagement dedicated time for Finance education sessions in the context of the Journée Nationale des Jeunes . Giving Visibility One of the most unique aspects of Euronext’s ESG’s strategy is the way in which the Company allocates its resources. Our status allows and business ecosystem provides us with a unique position to raise awareness and to promote leadership and best practices. Companies, NGOs, non-profits, associations and foundations are invited to participate to Euronext’s opening and closing stock markets bell ceremonies, conferences and seminars. Euronext has a program of opening or closing the markets with a bell event (“Gong” in Amsterdam). Some of these events gave visibility to international causes or charities – in particular to the following: n in Amsterdam: 33 bell events have been hosted in relation to international causes or charities such as Women in ETF and Global Money Week; n in Brussels: bell ceremonies for International Women’s Day, Diversity Day and for the Sustainable Value for Money conference. Euronext Brussels signed Febelfin’s “Gender Diversity in Finance” Charter for a better gender balance in the financial sector, taking the commitment to act in favor of diversity in the workplace and daily business life. n in Dublin: a “Ring the Bell for Gender Equality” ceremony that was organized on 8 March 2019 with Women in ETFS (WE); n in Lisbon and Porto: organization of the International Women’s Rights Day and collaboration with and support to the Business Council for Sustainable Development (an initiative of many leading firms to promote environment, social and governance development); n in London: “Power of Profile” breakfast session with women of the London team with Vanessa Vallely, OBE (We Are The City); Unconscious Bias training session with external diversity & leadership training provider Scene Change; Euronext London Women attended “We Are The City” conference; Euronext London Women attended “International Women in Business” Conference; Hestia Women’s Empowerment Talk and Lunch; n in Oslo: International Women’s Rights Day bell ceremony and conference for female students in IT, Finance and Law in cooperation with UN Global Compact. First closing auction bell ceremony for the Church City Mission in Oslo to give visibility to homeless people and other disadvantaged groups in the neighborhood of the Exchange; n in Paris: International Women’s Rights Day bell ceremony as well as for the National Youth Day (21 th of March 2019), for students from 2 classrooms were invited.




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