Euronext - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Euronext, a sustainable exchange

Euronext’s Five ESG Impact Areas and the Sustainable Development Goals Be the Spokesperson of the Sector and Fostering Issuer-Investor Dialogue Euronext engages with public authorities and policymakers on regulatory and policy issues that impact the financial sector and its stakeholders. As a result of the European Commission’s Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth and the European Green Deal, a number of legislative proposals have been agreed on which aim to incentivize investments in sustainable activities. The agreements were reached on: n Sustainable disclosure obligations for institutional investors; n A Taxonomy defining the sustainability of investments; n Changes to the Benchmark Regulation to enhance harmonised transparency on EU Climate Transition and EU Paris-aligned Benchmarks. With ambitious application dates, the focus will now shift towards their implementation and the development of Level 2 legislation to further detail the requirements expected from financial market participants. Non-Financial Reporting Directive – consultation The Commission published a set of Climate-related disclosure guidelines in June to complement the Non-Financial Reporting Guidelines. Companies subject to the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) are expected to abide by the non-mandatory ESG reporting requirements (in the same manner as all guidelines under NRFD) as of 2020, in the scope of the EU ESG reforms package. The Commission has also published a Consultation in parallel to the publication of its proposed guidelines. EU Green Bond Standard A Technical Expert Group was tasked by the Commission to work on recommendations for the development of a voluntary EU Green Bond Standard, with a view to increasing the transparency and comparability of the green bond market, as well as to provide clarity to issuers on the steps to follow for an issuance, in order to scale up sustainable finance investments. These recommendations were published in June 2019 so it is nowwith the Commission to progress further, with assistance from the TEG on the operational aspects of the proposals. Advocacy A central element of Euronext’s work involves engagement with all actors within our ecosystems. Alongside customers, be they issuers, investors and intermediaries, Euronext also engages with policymakers and regulators with a view to contribute to the development of the regulatory framework which governs Euronexts’ activities. This engagement focuses on both the EU institutions, namely the Commission, Parliament and Member States in Council, as well as all relevant authorities in the Euronext jurisdictions. It is also complemented by engagement of trade associations of which Euronext is a member, notably FESE at European level, as well as via various national associations. Maintain an Ongoing Dialogue With Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships A central element of Euronext’s work involves engagement with all actors within our ecosystems. Alongside customers, be they issuers, investors and intermediaries, Euronext also dedicates considerable time and resources to engaging with policymakers and regulators with a view to shaping positively the regulatory framework which governs our activities. This engagement focuses on both the EU institutions, namely the Commission, Parliament and Member States in Council, as well as all relevant authorities in the Euronext jurisdictions. It is also complemented by engagement of trade associations of which Euronext is a member, notably FESE at European level, as well as via various national associations. Advisory Committees In this context, since 2014, each subsidiary exchange of the Group has one or more exchange Committees (“Advisory Committees”) consisting of external stakeholders, to advise and assist the local Managing Board in a non-binding, advisory capacity on new products and market developments. These Committees discuss strategic issues at the local level, being the operational and technical issues linked to the business areas (Cash/Derivatives/Listing). It is also expected that Committee participants propose new ideas and be active in raising topics or issues that fall within the scope of the Committee. The Advisory Committees are consulted on issues of major interest to Euronext users (i.e. issuers, investors and other interested parties), where products and services might be developed to meet users’ needs. Euronext commits to listening to the opinions of each Committee and taking these into account in its decision- making process insofar as possible, in the interests of both the Company and its shareholders. Clients Euronext continues to reinforce its business integrity by striving to improve the services it provides, making responsible business decisions, and actively managing the social and environmental impacts of its actions to help individuals, communities, businesses and economies progress and grow. Euronext is a leading service provider for issuers, investors, intermediaries and technology data vendors. The Product and Sales teams, the Issuer-Client Coverage Group, the Market Supervision team and the Technology department provide competent care in the relationship management across all of the Group’s customers. Within the Listing department, over 4,500 individual meetings were held with a broad spectrum of listed, non-listed companies and ecosystemmembers to promote capital markets benefits and accompany entrepreneurs in their development projects. To fulfil its mission, the Listing team capitalises on the local representatives that have been set up in Paris (and in other major French cities), Lisbon, Brussels, Amsterdam, Dublin and Oslo as well as in Munich, Zurich, Madrid and Milan given the recent European expansion. Pedagogy, education and proximity are core values which underpin the Listing team’s strategic deployment. In keeping with this logic, the Listing team seeks to make its issuers aware of social responsibility issues.




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