Euronext - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Euronext, a sustainable exchange 3

Euronext’s Five ESG Impact Areas and the Sustainable Development Goals

forward-looking approach that analyses a company’s capacity to adapt their business model and manage sector-specific risks and opportunities related to the transition to a low-carbon economy: n Euronext France Energy Transition Leaders 40 EW; n Euronext Eurozone Energy Transition Leaders 50 EW. a) Low Carbon 100 Europe Index – the First One In 2008, Euronext was the first exchange to launch a pan-European index focusing on CO 2 emissions, designed with the support from a group of international experts and in close collaboration with Non- Governmental Organisations. The index measures the performance of Europe’s 100 largest blue chips with the lowest CO 2 emissions in their respective sectors or sub-sectors. Today, the index is an underlying for an ETF. In November 2015, Euronext announced a major change in the methodology used for its Low Carbon 100 Europe Index, revolutionizing the traditional approach to assess companies’ CO 2 emissions. This new method is based on a more efficient means of measuring the energy performance of businesses. The new version of the index, designed with Carbone 4 and Carbon Disclosure Project (“CDP”), the leading consulting firm specialised in carbon strategy, is based on a more in depth and relevant assessment of each company’s carbon footprint. This identifies, for the first time, businesses making a positive contribution to the transition process-not only through their own day to-day performance, but also through the products they sell. Selection of the companies will also reflect the emissions avoided because of their innovative approach to products and services. In June 2018, the Steering Committee approved to change the methodology of the Low Carbon 100 Europe Index to exclude companies with a fossil fuel activity. The companies involved in the following activities will be excluded from the index by the Expert Committee at the reviews: n companies with fossil fuel reserves; n companies searching, collecting, treating, refining or transporting coal, oil or gas; n utilities using fossil fuels to produce electricity. In June 2019, the Steering Committee approved to change the methodology of the Low Carbon 100 Europe Index in order to keep it a step ahead: n maintain a Green pocket at 5% (with a positive trajectory); n remove companies involved in fossil fuel activities; n creation of a Climate score; n inclusion of Social and Governance criteria in the screening (based on Vigeo Eiris scores); n removal of the companies at risk with or breaching the principles of the United Nation Global Compact. Finally, the Steering Committee has approved to exclude as from March 2020, Oil Equipment & Services. In November 2019, the BNP Paribas Easy Low Carbon 100 Europe ETF tracking the Low Carbon 100 Europe Index received the Febelfin sustainability label. A.1.2. EURONEXT CARBONE 4 FAMILY OF INDICES

b) Euronext Climate Europe Indices Launched in 2016, the Euronext Climate Europe is a free float market cap index designed to be a low carbon Universe. Composed of 200 large companies based on their climate score. It paves the way to many climate friendly innovative variants (high yields, low risk, growth…). These indices are well established with several Structured Products linked to the index. To perform this best in class approach, Euronext calculates a climate score by combining the scores of two cutting-edge experts, Carbone 4 and the Carbon Disclosure Project (“CDP”). Carbone 4 assesses the Company’s impact on climate change and its contribution to reduced Green House Gas (“GHG”) emissions, while taking into account induced and avoided emissions and the forward-looking analysis. The CDP performance score assesses the level of action taken on climate change in term of mitigation, adaptation and transparency. Several indices have been derived over 2017 around this Euronext Climate Euronext Index for investment purpose: The Euronext Climate Orientation Priority index and Euronext Climate Objective 50 EW index and the Euronext Climate Objective 50 Euro EW (2018). a) Euronext CDP Environnement Indices Launched in 2018 and 2019, these indices measure the performance of the top performing companies from a broad universe (World, Eurozone or France) in the environmental fields, with regards to their respective CDP rating. CDP gives a score to the companies in the universe based on three different themes, forests, water and climate. The companies that form the index universe are ranked on their environmental score and the highest ranking companies will be selected in the indices. A similar family of indices that screens the universe on Social and Governance sores was launched in 2019. a) Euronext Responsible Investment Indices Launched in 2018, the Euronext Responsible Investment indices are composed of the best companies in terms of Mirova/ISS- Oekom Sustainability score. The Mirova/ISS-Oekom Sustainability score is based on the qualitative opportunities assessment and risk review score. b) Euronext Water and Ocean Europe 40 EW Launched in 2019, the index consists of the 40 best companies from Europe (trading EUR, DKK, SEK or NOK) in term of Water & Ocean performance score, as evaluated by ISS-Oekom. A.1.5. EURONEXT REITSMARKET GRESB INDEX Launched in 2018, the Euronext Reitsmarket GRESB Global Sustainable Indices are designed to track specific factor trends in listed sustainable real estate securities worldwide through a risk-optimized portfolio of global real estate securities. The Index includes exclusively real estate securities that are part of the Sustainable Investment Universe as determined by GRESP. A.1.3. EURONEXT CDP FAMILY OF INDICES A.1.4. EURONEXT OEKOM FAMILY OF INDICES



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