Euronext - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Risk Management & Control Structure

Risk Factors


Risk Identification and Description

Potential Impacts on the Group

Euronext is dependent on the experience and industry knowledge ofmanagement and other key staff to operate its business operations and execute its strategies. Euronext recognises there is a shortage in the employment market for true specialists in a number of areas, such as in the information technology field and the field of operation of markets and particular product niches. In these areas, the Company competes for staff with a large number of other enterprises. Risk Control & Mitigation To mitigate risk Euronext has established a Talent Acquisition and Talent Development policy in accordance with the strategic plan priorities. Shared processes and tools (HRIS) have been deployed across locations to consolidate a common framework on talent acquisition, assessment of skills and performance, training, compensation, and career mobilities. To prevent the skills’ shortage – specifically in the information technology field – Euronext partners with engineering and IT schools to co-develop projects and improve its visibility as an attractive employer. Euronext has also developed an “Early Career”

The Company’s success depends in part upon its ability to continue to attract, develop and retain key staff members in a number of disciplines. A loss of, or an inability to attract senior management or other key staff could have a material adverse effect on the business, results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.


programme to recruit and train students and recent graduates on the latest technologies and critical skills. Euronext developed dedicated leadership programmes for the development of the managers and leaders of the organization. A Group training plan is rolled out to favor access to training on the core strategic skills to all employees through monthly sharing sessions and weeks dedicated to learning opened to all staff. Moreover, Euronext carries out initiatives to favor the quality of life at work through its Wellnext programme with actions related to sport, nutrition and work-life balance and reinforces its ESG commitment internally and externally.


Ownership and Intellectual Property

Risk Identification and Description

Potential Impacts on the Group

Euronext owns or licenses rights to a number of trademarks, service marks, trade names, copyrights, free or open source software and databases that are used in its business.There is a risk that this IP could bemisappropriated by third parties. There is also a risk that during its business activities, Euronext could inadvertently infringe third party IP rights.

In the event that any of IP which Euronext owns is misappropriated by third parties, the value of that IP may be diminished in value as an asset, while some licencing or product revenues relating to this may also be diminished. Further, legal costs may be incurred andmanagement time expended in order to protect and enforce those IP rights. In the event that Euronext inadvertently infringes a third party’s IP rights, management time may be expended in order to investigate such matters. Legal and/or other costs may also be incurred in seeking to resolve the matter. These contractual arrangements clarify and assert ownership of these rights and also require employees to maintain trade secrets and technical secrets. In order to ensure that Euronext does not infringe on any third- party IP rights, it has process and procedures in place supported by the compliance team, including staff training and awareness. Furthermore, Euronext conducts internal reviews of the use of the third-party intellectual property in order to sure compliance and uphold its contractual commitments.

Risk Control & Mitigation Euronext takes measures to prevent infringement of its own IP rights, in addition to measures to ensure that it conducts its business activities in a manner which avoid inadvertently breach any third party-owned IP rights. Euronext relies on a combination of trademark laws, copyright laws, trade secret protection, database laws, confidentiality agreements and other contractual arrangements with its affiliates, customers, strategic investors and others in order to protect its own IP rights.



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