Euronext - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Presentation of the Group 1 Description of the Business Indices − Products and Services Euronext owns and operates a leading benchmark and strategy index franchise that measures different segments of the Euronext and other global markets, including AEX®, BEL 20®, CAC 40®, PSI 20®, OBX® and ISEQ® Indices. The Company also creates new proprietary indices generating added value for its market participants or to provide measurement tools for all types of investment categories regardless of listing venue. Euronext offers a fully customisable index service which includes index calculation across equities, commodities and currencies, five days a week, with two end-of-day runs reflecting market close in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Many of Euronext’s indices are licensed as the basis for ETPs (including ETFs) and structured products. On April 17 th 2019, Euronext was registered by ESMA as Benchmark Administrators under the new EU Benchmark Regulation (BMR). This compliance with the provisions of the Benchmark Regulation confirms the quality of Euronext’s governance and control principles and rules, today acknowledged by key European regulators: the AFM in the Netherlands, AMF in France, CMVM in Portugal, FSMA in Belgium and CBI in Ireland. Over the past three years, Euronext has become a leader in indices for structured products and reinforced its Blue-Chip Index franchise by: n developing custom solutions for structured products issuers, adapted to investors and banks needs; n strengthening blue-chip indices franchise through increased transparency, industrialization, and convergence; n positioning Euronext as an ESG open architecture platform, onboarding leading ESG data providers and thought leaders in the climate change assessment; n sharing risk with product issuers by revenue sharing agreement in case of “success only”; n improving drastically time to market for index creation through industrialization. As a result, Euronext index business: n maintained a strong revenue growth in 2019 while diversifying its business model and source of revenues; n built global commercial relationship and is now used by the majority of the world’s top financial institutions. As a stock exchange committed to sustainability, Euronext is now well positioned to benefit from the increased integration of factor and ESG criteria into the investment process and will continue to extend over 2019 its ESG index offering thanks to its partners expertise, Vigeo Eiris, CDP, Carbone 4, ISS-Oekom and Gresb B.V.: n in 2019, more than 175 structured products linked to Euronext ESG indices were launched; n in France the first 5 ESG indices having the largest structured products sales volume are all Euronext Indices with a combined 2019 Sales Volume of €1,944 million*;

The data is disseminated primarily via data vendors but also directly to financial institutions and other service providers in the financial sector. Over 400 vendors currently disseminate Euronext market data to approximately 122,0000 screens in over 110 countries. During 2019 Euronext continued to see an increase in the use of Euronext’s data in automated trading applications, and a corresponding decrease in the number of users viewing data on traditional trading screens. Retail clients have access to data from Euronext’s markets through the new Live.Markets section of the website and the market data app, which now has over 48,000 registered users. A new version of the app will launch in 2020. In accordance with MiFID II, Euronext now makes delayed post trade data available via for download free of charge. Historical and Reference Data In addition to real-time market data, Euronext also provides daily summary, historical and analytical data services, as well as reference and corporate action data services. In 2018 Euronext launched an e-commerce platform that allows retail investors to buy data on-line directly from Euronext and will launch further products via the platform in 2020 aimed at both professional and retail investors. Euronext has expanded in bonds and funds data, in bonds through the acquisition of Dublin, on funds Euronext acquired a funds data provider in July, OPCVM360, now renamed Euronext Funds360. Euronext Funds360 is a new generation data provider, specialising in funds (open-end investment funds, mutual funds, real estate funds, ETFs, etc.). Euronext Funds360 offers a series of fund data solutions and is used by an increasing number of major players in the asset management, insurance, fintech and financial media industries. Advanced Data − Products and Services In 2019 Euronext launched Market Flow which shows a daily breakdown of trading flows on the cash orderbook. The new analytic products are based on Euronext proprietary data, anonymized and aggregated. These high value high price products have attracted strong interest and several major clients are already contracted, diversifying the client base. Euronext has new diverse sources of data to extract value from including, Oslo, Dublin, Euronext FX, and Commcise. Euronext has already co-designed a strong product pipeline with clients, to expand the current offering into new asset classes. Euronext will continue to invest in advanced data products and reinforce its quant team. Also in 2019 Euronext, in association with QuantInsight and Trendrating, launched alternative data products that enable Fund Managers to satisfy risk management and alpha generation requirements. Euronext will continue to explore in 2020 new opportunities in this space.



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