Euronext - 2019 Universal Registration Document

Operating and financial review

Liquidity and Capital Resources

prudential requirements. Dividend distributions will be possible in such a situation, unless the AFM is of the opinion that the future development of the shareholders equity or the regulatory capital of Euronext do not allow for this. If necessary, the AFM can prescribe within which term and in which manner Euronext will need to comply with the prudential requirements. In addition, Euronext is required to obtain the prior approval of the AFM in the following circumstances: n the granting of personal and in rem security for debts of other enterprises or the assumption of debts and security by Euronext, to the extent this is or can be of influence on the functioning of the regulated markets held by Euronext or possibly can result in Euronext or one or more of its regulated subsidiaries no longer satisfying the prescribed prudential requirements; n to the extent there is a reorganisation, operational or legal separations of the license holders or merger which can be of material influence of the functioning of the regulated markets in the Netherlands operated by the license holders; n proposed resolutions of Euronext which can be of significant influence on the financial soundness of Euronext. Euronext is also required to ensure that, in the event of a possible insolvency of Euronext N.V., the local exchanges can continue to function operationally. The AFM may impose further requirements with respect to the shareholders equity position, liquidity and solvency of Euronext, to the extent necessary for the compliance with the requirements of the regulated markets. In addition, each of the Group’s subsidiaries that is an operator of a regulated market and subsidiaries that are investment firms are subject to regulatory capital requirements relating to their general financial soundness, which include certain minimum capital requirements.

n Euronext shall take care of a stable financing. To that end, the total of long term assets of Euronext will to the satisfaction of the AFM be financed with shareholders equity and long term liabilities; n Euronext shall have a positive regulatory capital on a consolidated basis. The regulatory capital is calculated according to the following formula: the paid up share capital plus the freely available reserves, less the items listed in section 36 of Regulation (EU) no. 575/2013. The standards drawn up by the European Banking Authority as referred to in section 36, second paragraph, of the Capital Requirements Regulation are taken into account in relation hereto; n in deviation of the calculation set out in bullet point 4 of the regulatory capital, the value of the intangible fixed assets in connection with the acquiring of a controlling influence through an acquisition will be deducted in ten equal amounts from the regulatory capital, starting in the year that the acquisition has taken place (the year of acquisition pro rata for the number of months). If the value of the intangible assets is higher than factor ten times the most recent profits of the acquired business, the grow-in term can after approval from the AFM be based on a higher, reasonable factor (= grow-in term), taking into account a prudent and consistent dividend policy proposed by Euronext. If the grow-in term and the related dividend policy provide for a negative regulatory capital for a limited number of years of the grow-in term, than this fact will not prevent the execution of the consistent and prudent dividend policy of Euronext in those years; n if Euronext foresees or reasonably can foresee that its shareholders equity or regulatory capital does not satisfy or will not satisfy the prescribed prudential requirements, it will notify the AFM thereof immediately. If at any moment Euronext does not comply with the prescribed requirements with respect to the minimum shareholders equity, the regulatory capital or the grow-in of the regulatory capital is behind the grow-in term as determined on beforehand, Euronext will provide the AFM with a prognosis of how it expects to again comply with the prescribed


As of 31 December 2019, Euronext shareholders equity and regulatory equity was the following:

31 Dec 2019

31 Dec 2018

In thousands of euros

Shareholders equity



Less Intangible assets and deferred tax



Investments in financial sector








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