Euronext - 2019 Universal Registration Document

General Description of the Company and Its Share Capital

Share Classes and Major Shareholders

As per 31 December 2019, the group of Reference shareholders comprised:

Individual shareholding (% of capital)

Number of shares

Name of reference shareholder

ABN AMRO Bank N.V. through its subsidiary ABN AMRO Participaties Fund I B.V.



BNP Paribas group



Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations



Euroclear S.A./N.V.



Société Fédérale de Participations et d’Investissement/Federale Participatie – en Investeringsmaatschappij






Share Transfer Restriction Under the Reference shareholders Agreement, each of the Reference shareholders has agreed not to sell or otherwise transfer or dispose of any of the Ordinary Shares such Reference shareholder acquires pursuant to the Share Purchase Agreement for a period of two years commencing on 20 June 2019. This transfer restriction will not apply to any transfers to (i) affiliates of a Reference shareholder, provided that the transferee agrees to be bound by this transfer restriction and the other terms and conditions of the Reference shareholders Agreement and shall accede to the Reference shareholders Agreement, (ii) another Reference shareholder, provided that the Ordinary Shares transferred will continue to be subject to the transfer restriction and the other terms and conditions of the Reference shareholders Agreement as if originally held by the acquiring Reference shareholder, and (iii) a third party with the unanimous consent in writing of the Reference shareholders (subject to the consent of the relevant regulator[s], such consent not to be unreasonably withheld and provided the third party shall accede to the Reference shareholders Agreement, and further provided that no mandatory bid obligation is triggered by such transfer). In the case of transfers to an affiliate of a Reference shareholder, such affiliate must retransfer the relevant Ordinary Shares to the original Reference shareholder prior to ceasing to be an affiliate of such Reference shareholder. In the case of proposed transfers to another Reference shareholder, the other Reference shareholders will have a right of first refusal pro rata to their respective holdings. In addition, repo and securities lending transactions may be excluded from this restriction on the basis of guidelines to be agreed. In the event of a tender offer announced or made by any person to acquire all or a portion of the Ordinary Shares, the Reference shareholders will review and assess the merits of the proposed bid and adopt a common position. Subject to consulting with the Euronext College of Regulators, if the outcome of that procedure is that the Reference shareholders decide to accept the offer, once made, the transfer restriction will not apply, except as provided to the contrary in any declaration of no-objection and subject to any and all other requirements and restrictions under applicable law and regulation, and with the understanding that no Reference shareholder will be obliged to sell its Ordinary Shares regardless the common position taken.

Further Restrictions Each of the Reference shareholders has agreed not to enter into any transaction or do anything, and not to permit its affiliates to enter into any transaction or do anything, if such transaction or action would result in the Reference shareholders or any of them becoming obligated to make a mandatory bid ( verplicht openbaar bod ) for the Ordinary Shares within the meaning of section 5:70 of the DutchWet op het financieel toezicht (Financial Supervision Act) implementing Article 5 of Directive 2004/25/EC. Supervisory Board Representation The Reference shareholders, acting jointly, will have the right to propose one third of the Supervisory Board seats. Members of the Supervisory Board who are appointed upon a nomination by the Reference shareholders are referred to as “Reference shareholder directors”. The Supervisory Board undertakes to include the name of the person proposed by the Reference shareholders in its binding nomination to the shareholders Meeting of Euronext, unless the Supervisory Board objects against the nomination if it reasonably believes that the nominee may not fulfil the suitability and integrity criteria under applicable Dutch law, and always subject to any applicable regulatory assessments, approvals and requirements. The Reference shareholder directors have been appointed by the General Meeting each for a term of four years. If the Reference shareholders Agreement is terminated before the end of term of office of a Reference shareholder director, his or her term of office shall lapse immediately after the day of the first General Meeting of Euronext to be held after the date of termination of the Reference shareholders Agreement. Committee of Representatives Each Reference shareholder has appointed one representative and one alternate duly authorised to represent and act for and in the name of the relevant Reference shareholder and any and all of its affiliates for all purposes of the Reference shareholders Agreement, who shall be the contact person vis-à-vis the other Reference shareholders and the Company. The representatives of all Reference shareholders constitute the Committee of Representatives which decides on all matters requiring a joint decision of the Reference shareholders. The decisions of the Committee of Representatives shall be binding upon all Reference shareholders.




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