Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document

Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility Non-financial Performance Statement

Due diligence procedures for portfolio companies Eurazeo includes anti-corruption aspects during acquisition due diligencesas describedin Section on thecriteria analyzed. Following an acquisition, relevant action plans are monitored over several years, as described in the chart of CSR strategy deployment in Section On acquisition, each portfolio company is required to implement best anti-corruption practices while taking into account its sector, organizationaland geographicalspecificities.To facilitate this process, Eurazeo has developed a guide on how to implement or reinforce an anti-corruptionsystem (thisguide complies with the Sapin IILaw). An update on progress with measures to prevent corruption is presented and discussed at meetings of the Audit Committees of the portfolio companies. This offers Eurazeo an opportunity to follow the roadmap of each portfolio company and monitor progress over time (notablywith regard tothe Sapin IIlaw).

Results and performanceindicators Eurazeo

100% of new third parties with whom Eurazeo seeks to start up a • business relationship are assessed and authorized beforehand by the ComplianceDepartment(under the directionof the General Counsel). A trainingcampaignthat enablesemployeesto master the Eurazeo • anti-corruption system (principles, rules, tools and procedures to comply with) was set up in 2019: 98% of employees likely to be exposedto corruption risk due to their responsibilitieswithin the organization attended an in-person training course and 96% of the other employees receivedonline training.

Eurazeo andits portfolio companies

2019 Eurazeoandits portfoliocompanies

Percentage ofcompanieswhose anti-corruption system implementation/enhancement is monitored


Taxation Policy appliedat Eurazeo level

Eurazeo has set up country-by-countryreporting as well as complete documentationin terms of transfer pricing (Master File and Local File) pursuant toFrench regulationsand international recommendations. Eurazeo adopts a responsible approach in managing and verifying its taxes, based on documentationand rigorous internal control of tax processes involving accounting,tax and legal teams with the support, where necessary, of external tax experts or advisors. The Eurazeo group supports different OECD and government initiatives to combat tax evasion. As a parent company and pursuant to local regulations, Eurazeo publishesa tax strategyreporton behalfof its Britishsubsidiariesrelating to the managementof tax risks and the stanceto adoptfor tax planning in the United Kingdom ( uploads/2019/12/Eurazeo-Tax-Strategy.pdf). The effective tax rate for Eurazeo Group companies is lower than the standard corporate income tax rate applicable in France, where the company is headquartered.The difference between the effective tax rate and the standard corporate income tax rate in France (32.02% for fiscal 2019) is explained in Note 11.1 Tax proof to the consolidated financialstatements. The Eurazeo entities are regularly audited by the relevant tax authorities. These audits did not give rise to any significant reassessments forthe EurazeoSE tax group. Results and performanceindicators Results and performanceindicators

Tax risk management forms an integral part of Eurazeo’s general risk management process. The Tax Structuring Director informs the ExecutiveBoard and the Audit Committeeon the general tax situation, the status of risks and litigation and the impact of the main expected measuresor changes. Tax risks can result from uncertaintiesin the interpretationof laws and regulations applicable to commercial transactions performed by Eurazeo group members, or changes in the group’s activities or structure. Eurazeo proactively endeavors to identify and appropriately managepotentialrisk elements. Eurazeo ensures compliancein all the countrieswhere it operateswith the tax regulations applicable to its activities pursuant to international agreementsand national laws. This implies that all tax returns required by law and regulations be filed in a timely manner and all taxes and deductions be paid. Eurazeo ensures that cross-border intragroup transactions comply with the arm's length principle pursuant to OECD recommendations and the organization of our investments meets the operational and financialobjectivesof our projects. Eurazeo recognizes its responsibilities to its shareholders, as well as other stakeholders (such as employees or co-investors), and the tax authorities in the countries where Eurazeo and its group members operate. Eurazeo’s tax strategy must take these various interests into account whilst respecting allaws and regulations.



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