Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document
Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility Non-financial Performance Statement
Description ofmain issuescreating risks and opportunities
RISK ASSESSMENT METHOD Impact analysiswith regard to biodiversity • (supply, activity, etc.)
Use ofa rawmaterial,manufactureof a product • or performance ofa service, useor end-of-life with an impact on biodiversity Use of resources thatmaybe subject to supply • sustainability, shortage, banor cost increase issues Lack ofsubstitutioncapacityfor hazardousresources • Poor anticipation of reputationandconsumer/client • behavior change issues
Avoid anyactivitylikelyto damagebiodiversity
RISK MANAGEMENT Pre-acquisition due diligences • Annual monitoring during CSR reporting (policy) • EXAMPLE INITIATIVES
At DessangeInternational , the biodiversity-friendly responsible raw materialssourcingprogramhas beencontinued,particularlyfor • the Phytodess range. Suppliers are invited to sign the PositiveSourcing charter, thereby committing to confining their useof rawmaterialsto those produced in a mannerespectfulof ecosystems andbiodiversity.To date, the Positive Sourcing programhas 28 responsible sourcing sectors. In 2019, GrapeHospitality continued to install hives on the roofsof all its facilities, with 14 hotels involved to date, anda totalof 44 hives, • an estimated population of 1 million beesand420 kgof honeyproduced locallyandthen offeredto hotel guests and in Grouprestaurants.
Policy appliedat Eurazeo level Eurazeo's investor activity does not have any direct and material impact onbiodiversity. As part of a coral reef rehabilitation project carried out in partnership with Pur Projet, Eurazeo contributes to preserving and restoring unique ecosystems in Indonesia while promoting the return of marine fauna and flora. Thanks to the installation of 14 underwaterstructures, Eurazeo helped restore more than 1,700 corals in 2018 and 2019. According to UNESCO, coral reefs threaten to disappear completely by 2050. Reefs are considered as the oceans’ tropical forests and are hometo one million species,includinga quarterof the world's fish.
Due diligence procedures for portfolio companies Eurazeo includes biodiversity aspects during acquisition due diligences as described in Section on the criteria analyzed. Following an acquisition, relevant action plans are monitored over several years, as described in the chart of CSR strategy deployment in Section
Results and key performance indicators A qualitative indicator is monitoredas part of the CSR reportingto annually assess measurestaken topreserve or restorebiodiversity. Eurazeo andits portfolio companies 2019 Eurazeoandits portfoliocompanies Percentage ofcompanieshavingimplemented actions to protect and/or restorebiodiversity
Thecoverageratefor Eurazeoand its investmentwas100%in 2019.
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