Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document

Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility Non-financial Performance Statement

Substances inthe air, water and soil

Description ofmain issuescreating risks and opportunities



RISK ASSESSMENT METHODS Assessment ofthe level ofexposure • (liability, sector, etc.) Analysis ofcurrent procedures andpolicies • Analysis ofthreshold compliance audits •

Unfamiliaritywith regulations: fines, total or partial • activitybandue tonon-compliancewiththresholds Poor training or unfamiliarity with procedures, • process inefficiency or maintenance faults Activitythatcould damage health and safetyand • expose the Company to a reputation risk in the event of pollution impacting the environment and local communities

Limit dischargesandensure theiroptimaltreatment

Avoidallpollutionlikelyto harmemployees,inhabitants and biodiversity in theshort-, mediumandlongterm

RISK MANAGEMENT Pre-acquisition due diligence onHSE(Hygiene, Health/Safety andEnvironment) issuesystematically for industrial targets • Annual monitoring during CSR reporting •



Close monitoringof regulatoryamendments, particularly in regions which already • imposestringentrequirements such as Europe and anticipation ofnewregulations primarily in emerging countries,maygive Eurazeo acompetitiveedge ifproperly managed


Policy appliedat Eurazeo level No significant risk involving substance discharges has been identified in directrelationshipwith Eurazeo’s activity asan investor. Due diligence procedures for portfolio companies Eurazeo includes aspects relating to substances in the air, water and soil during acquisition due diligences as described in Section on the criteria analyzed. In the event of actual pollution, Eurazeo identifiesthe cost of site decontaminationupstreamof the investment and/or of installing equipment to reduceor stop discharges. Following an acquisition, relevant action plans are monitored over several years, as described in the chart of CSR strategy deployment in Section The monitoring includes the investment expenses

relating to compliance work or projects to mitigate and treat the discharges. CSR reporting is used to monitor compliance with the thresholds for air, water and soil emissions and the results of compliance audits for the liable companies. Finally, Eurazeo encourages the issue of certifications to reinforce and assess the environmental strategies of companies for which this is a major challenge.

Results and performanceindicators Eurazeo

Eurazeo’spremises in Paris have dual environmentalcertification(HQE Excellent and BREEAM Exceptional), as well as BBC low energy consumption status. These certifications guarantee top levels of environmental and energyperformance.



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