Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document
Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility Non-financial Performance Statement
Due diligence procedures for portfolio companies Eurazeo includes societal impact aspects during acquisition due diligence as described in Section Following an acquisition, the relevant action plans are monitored over several years, as described in Section Managing Corporate Social Responsibility is now a corporate necessity, particularly for a company that produces goods and services for consumers who pay increasing attention to their health and environmental protection. In a context where consumers increasingly ask questions about products, their composition and impact, Eurazeo is mindful of the strategies rolled out by the companies in which it is shareholder to deal with this issueand anticipate changes. Eurazeo encourages and supports companies in monitoring regulations and analyzing stakeholder expectations after having first examined during the acquisition the substances, products and services undersurveillance.
Since September 2018, Eurazeo has backed Sciences Po's Priority Education Agreements and helped finance study bursaries for students supported by Fondation DFCG and Fondation Martine Aublet. Also, by refocusingits previoussupport for the Institut GustaveRoussy towards educational initiatives undertaken in conjunction with the association Les Amis de Mikhy, Eurazeo financially supports a study evaluatingthe benefit of personalizedsupportfor children in remission after a brain tumor and theirfamilies. In addition,Eurazeohas renewedits previouscommitmentwith Human Rights Watch, an internationalNGO whose purpose is to promote and act in favor of the defense of human rights. Since 2019, support has been focused on the Children’s Rights Division and study reports on the living conditions and treatment of unaccompaniedchild migrants in France. Finally, in 2019 Eurazeo focusedon promotingequal opportunitiesand improving the employabilityof young people by supportingthe launch of the “Entrepreneurs dans la Ville” initiative in Île de France, established by the association Sport dans la ville. Eurazeo supports groups of around twenty young entrepreneurs from disadvantaged areas tohelp develop theirbusinessstart-up project.
Results and performanceindicators Eurazeo
€3.7 million given to
years average length of support per association
6, students and youngbeneficiaries since2015
Launchof theEurazeo sponsorship program
associations supported since2004
associations since2004
2019 Eurazeo
Financialsupport (in thousandsof euros) Amountallocated to social andeducationalpatronage (associationsandNGOs) Amountallocated to think-tanks, forums and institutions
405 276
Amountallocated to cultural patronage Amountallocated to professional bodies
160 876
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