Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document
Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility Non-financial Performance Statement
Since 2015, Eurazeo has regularly conducted surveys with its employees. An engagement study in 2019 had a participation rate of 90%, with an overall engagement score of 8.3/10. In line with this survey, Eurazeo implemented an action plan at Group level for different typesof employee.Several actionswere implemented: the onboarding program is now fully integrated within the HR • developmentcycle of Eurazeo employees.On their arrival, the new employee receives a welcome handbook. An induction program is organizedwherebythe new employeemeets with employeesfrom various departments to discuss and understand the diversity of jobs performed. After the probationary period, the Human Due diligence procedures for portfolio companies Eurazeo includes aspects relating to working conditions and the freedomof associationduring acquisitiondue diligences as described in Section an acquisition, action plans are monitored over severalyears, as describedin Section Eurazeo is attentive to the implementation of policies and measures promoting quality labor relations within its portfolio companies.
Resources Director interviews the new employee to get his or her first impressions. An assessment is then carried out with the employee's immediate manager to assess the difficulties and success of integration as well as the next steps in terms of development( e.g. advancement,training,etc.); a remote working charter which authorizes and governs • this practice for employees who are interested, was formalized in October 2019; Eurazeo has also intensively deployed training programs relating • to people skills. These programs focused on leadership and managerial bestpractices.
Eurazeo promotes the implementationof surveys with employees,key labor relationstools within a company.This objective is that by the end of 2019, 100% of portfolio companies have completed a social barometerat least once every three years (see Section 3.3). At the end of 2019, 63% of companies proforma had completed a social
barometer inthe past three years.
Results and performanceindicators Eurazeo
Eurazeo SE signed its first incentive agreement in 1998 and has since renewed it every three years. The current Eurazeo SE incentive agreement appliesto fiscal years2019 to 2021. The action plan relating to workplacegender equality will be reviewed in the first-half of 2020 in light of the results of the Gender Pay Gap Index.
In 2019, an agreement relating to working time arrangements was signed. It aims to organizeand govern the differentapplicableworking time arrangements. It also outlines the implementation of a time-savings account ( compte épargne temps - CET) allowing employees to manage their rest time to accumulate rest days not taken inorder to use themas leave or forretirementsavings.
Eurazeo andits portfolio companies
2019 Eurazeoandits portfoliocompanies
Workinghours (% of permanentworkforce) Percentage offull-time employees Percentage ofpart-time employees
90% 10%
Collective agreements bearingon thecompany’s economic performance and working conditions f employees Agreements bearing on wage increasesand more balanced sharing of valuecreation Effective wages,durationandorganization ofworkinghours
6 3 3
Incentive bonuses
Purchase powerone-off bonus Mandatory annualnegotiations
Agreements bearing on thecompany’s internal bodies Implementation and activitiesof the staffrepresentativebodies
Agreements bearing on theprotection and working conditions of employees Reorganization
Right to disconnect
1 1 1
Employee transport fees Working time arrangements
Company SavingsPlan
Gender equality
4 3
Difficult working conditions & quality oflife at work
Thecoverageratefor Eurazeoand its portfoliocompanieswas99-100%in 2019.
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