Eurazeo / 2019 Universal Registration Document

Eurazeo Corporate Social Responsibility Non-financial Performance Statement

SOCIAL AND EMPLOYEE-RELATED MATTERS 3.2.2 Introduction Description ofmain issuescreating risks and opportunities Eurazeo identified five major issues arising from employee-related impacts on itsbusinessand within its portfoliocompanies: working conditionsand freedom of association; •

Eurazeo seeks to improve the protection and well-beingof employees and share value created or companyprofits with them. Four indicators are usedto measure theprogressachieved: number of employees with accessto social insurance; • reduction inthe numberof days of absence; • number of employee shareholders; • existenceof an incentive schemeor collectivebonus. • Due diligence procedures for portfolio companies Eurazeo includes labor aspects during acquisition due diligence as described in Section Following an acquisition, action plans are monitored over several years, as described in the chart of CSR strategy deployment (Section The investmentsare encouragedto practice responsiblemanagement of human resources, particularly in the followingareas: quality of life at work, which encompasses working conditions, • social dialogue, career management, and welfare and social protection, including access to healthcare services, provident insurance and preparation forretirement; employability throughout working life, from training to skills • development. Eurazeo ensures that the conditions are in place to allow shareholder value to grow, in accordance with best practice in terms of human resource management, regardless of the sector and the country in whichthe Company operates.

equal treatment; • health and safety; • attractivity and employability; • societal impact. •

The materialityof these issues varies mainly accordingto the business sector and the location of employees across the world. The risks, opportunities, policies and procedures relating to these issues are describedin the relevantsectionsof this document. Policy appliedat Eurazeo level Eurazeo realizes that its growth and performance rely on its employees. It has endeavored to set up a constructive dialogue and working environmentthat promote respect from each and every one. Hence, since 2018 the HR tool digitization strategy supports Eurazeo's growth mainly by making HR documents paperless and through the use of new software, the setup of an intranet and publication of newsletters. Eurazeo presents its employee-related values and policy in its Code of conduct and CSR strategy.


Results and performanceindicators Eurazeo

women in the permanent workforce 6%

women in the investment team %

Average length of time working for the company 6 years

permanent employees 79% managers

Average age

Eurazeo andits portfolio companies


Eurazeoand itsportfolio companies


Totalnumberandbreakdownof employees Permanentworkforce Percentage ofwomenin thepermanentworkforce Percentage ofmanagersin the permanentworkforce Percentage ofnon-permanent workforce in relation to the total number of employees  (1)



46% 79%

52% 20%



Thecoverageratefor Eurazeoandfor Eurazeoand its portfoliocompanieswas100%in 2019. Thetotalnumberof employeesincludesthepermanent(employeeswithopen-endedcontracts)andnon-permanent (1) (employeeswithfixed-termcontracts)workforce.




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